Vital Energy

So I was in the sauna and I was speaking to someone just after my intense bicep and shoulders workout.

I was in for about 10 - 20 minutes and a group of guys entered into the sauna.

There was one white guy with tattoos and then there was three other brown guys all talking together.

The kind of verbiage that they had was very slangy, they had very slang type terms and saying a lot of slang a lot of cuss words.

Not to mention they also talked about all of the drugs they are recovering from the weekend of partying they had.

In some sense I wanted to tell them to shut the up because like they were yelling to some extent, they all were talking over each other and it felt like i was in a third world country

It felt like in some sense like a not civil discourse to point where I thought to myself that these guys where not born like this.

So this is direct evidence that proves, your environment absolutely changes your whole reality.

After everyone left, the only guy that stayed was the white guy with the tattoos.

So I spoke to him a bit back and forth and we ended up talking about our lives.

He started asking some questions regarding my work and my business and and how things are going.

He started to look at me in a different way.

I also noticed he started to change the way he spoke as well.

There was a pivotal moment in the sauna where he was like.

“I've been trying to find a way out for a very long time. I'm in university right now and I'm not sure where to go.”

He literally told me this word for word.

“I've been trying to find a way out for a very long time. Not sure exactly where I'm going. I'll send you a text. Hopefully you can give me some advice specifically.”

And I told him straight up, like, listen.

All you need to do is get into sales.

Get into sales because if you're not making a lot of money, if you're not where you're at in life, it's because you don't know how to collect money.

You're not someone that has the understanding of how to collect cash.

And that's exactly why you're not far in life.

I told him, I would give him my number as well.

The main thing he failed to realize.

His direct environment is not an environment that will foster the belief systems that he wants to have.

He seems like a guy who is in the self improvement space, trying to better himself.

But his direct environment, is an environment of slang and degeneracy.

And I want to highlight this again.

He was part of the degenerate friend group in the sauna.

They were talking about cocaine.

They were talking about all these different kinds of drugs.

Very degenerate level stuff.

How they were drinking in the weekend and now they're recovering from from the weekend drinking

This is the slave force that will be washing my fucking 812 super fast.

This is a very important thing.

If your environment will not foster the millions that you want to have, then you should just not have friends.

And I do not want friends unless they are constantly pushing me to be better.

So ask yourself.

Are you in the right environment?

Go Kill It Man
- JP