The Unicorn Job

Let’s talk about something you might not expect—a 9-to-5 job.

I know, I know, you’ve probably heard me say that the 9-to-5 is like modern-day slavery, and in many ways, it can feel that way.

But here's the thing—experiencing that grind is something every young man who wants more out of life needs to go through.

You might be thinking, “I want to run my own business and make a lot of money, so why should I waste time in a 9-to-5?”

But here’s the truth: Without that experience, you won’t truly understand the urgency and work ethic needed to succeed when you’re on your own.

Let me share a bit of my story.

When I was 12 or 13, I got my first job delivering newspapers. I was paid $100 CAD a month (about $70 USD).

Every Wednesday and Saturday, whether it was snowing, raining, or even if there was an earthquake, I was out there delivering newspapers.

That experience taught me consistency, hard work, and most importantly, what it feels like to earn your own money.

Fast forward to my teenage years, I followed the traditional path—high school, then university, aiming for a degree in engineering.

The pandemic hit, and I started questioning everything. I saw influencers online, talking about making millions and driving Lamborghinis.

It made me realize there might be another way to live—one that didn’t involve a traditional 9-to-5 job.

So, I left university—partly due to medical reasons, and partly because I was fed up with the spoon-fed education system.

I wanted to build my life with my own hands. But instead of diving straight into entrepreneurship, I decided to experience the 9-to-5 world first.

I wanted to see what life could be like if I didn’t work on my business as hard as I could.

I didn’t just send out resumes; I went to networking events, putting myself out there, and eventually got hired as a manager in an e-commerce business.

In just six months, I helped double the business from $5 million to $10 million a year. But here’s the kicker—I didn’t see any of that money.

Instead of feeling ripped off, I realized I was being paid in experience, not just a salary. I learned valuable skills like hiring, managing large sums of money, and running marketing campaigns.

Here’s why this matters: It’s much easier to grow an existing business than to build one from scratch. And when you work in a 9-to-5, especially in a role close to the business owner, you learn the playbook of success on someone else’s dime.

Don’t rush into building your own business without understanding how the game is played.

Start with a 9-to-5 job, ideally one that teaches you valuable skills like sales, marketing, or product development.

Sales, in particular, is crucial because every business needs it, and you get paid to learn.

And remember, if you find yourself stuck in a job that doesn’t teach you anything valuable, it’s time to rethink your strategy.

Life won’t change unless you make the change.

So, before you jump into the entrepreneurial world, spend some time in the trenches.

Learn, grow, and prepare yourself for the journey ahead.

Go Kill It Man
- JP


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