Uber Experience

It’s either you go all in or you fade away

Yesterday I was back on my way home from the gym

Spoke to the Uber driver for a few minutes about the gym that I was going to, how it’s high class and stuff…

The driver looked like he was in his 40s, he was also pretty fat cause I’m assuming he sits all day long driving people around.

He then mentioned that he used to be like me with a small chuckle…

“Hitting the gym, working on business, doing big stuff, I used to be like you!”

He then said something that I noticed was very interesting.

The driver said: “At my stage in life I’m the guy that grabs fast food and works all day long. You’re the healthy guy building businesses. That time is way past me. Haha”

To not make the situation awkward I just laughed along with him

But if you analyze carefully, the driver labeled himself 

The driver labeled himself and assured that where he is in life is “OK”

Admitting that it was fine for him to stay in his current state and keep being fat and slave away for the rest of his life

Now of course id tell the guy to wake the fuck up, he’s only 40 and there’s tons of life ahead of him 

but the ride was about to end so I left it…

But here’s the thing

That Uber driver

He used to go to the gym

He used to be fit, looked good, got all the girls 

He used to build businesses and attempted to get rich 

But he gave up at some point 

And changed his identity

He gave up and justified his defeat 

By labeling himself that makes him feel good about his decision

Now I’m not here to talk shit about most older men, but I see this a LOT with guys in their 40s

A LOT of older men have just given up too EARLY in their young age

And admitted defeat to the game of life

He faded away 

Driving an Uber for the rest of his life

My question to you is…

In his young age, if he GENUINELY put his all into it

Do you think he would have still landed as an Uber driver in his 40s?

Do you think that if he did not give up in life, that he’d be in a different situation?

Probably not…

It’s because he did not put his all into it

It’s because he gave up too early 

It’s because he’s a lazy fuck

And most of you will not live your true potential because you’re lazy as fuck

So if you do not want to fade away and end off like my Uber driver 

Put your all into it

Go get it man