The Trap

Leaving your 9 - 5 job to achieve your goals is all dependent on logic. 

You must make the logical decision on the chessboard in order for you to go in the next direction. 

To go through the next wave in life. 

Let’s say you want to make some leaps in life. You want to go from a 9-5 into being a businessman, you want to go from a salesman to a businessman, or you want to go from an unemployed brokie to a 9 - 5 worker. 

You cannot make those leaps in life without people around you. I cannot emphasize that enough, because I have done the same. 

When I left my 9 - 5 job as a manager, I faced tons of issues, problems, and obstacles. Without the network that I had around me, I would be completely broke and back in a 9-5 job. 

I will be completely honest with you guys. 

If i did not have a supportive community of people around me, if i did not have people around me who were also rich as fuck, if i didn’t have people around me that were actually in business. 

Then I wouldn't be able to stand at this moment and say ‘hey, i’m completely retired’. 

I am now because of the support that I had in my early stages. 

I think people completely underestimate the support that is required when you are leaving a 9 - 5 job or when making some huge life decision. 

When you are making a huge life decision, you need people around you. 

The reason why most people fail when they make a transition from their 9 - 5 into the business world, from the business world to a different job, or even leaving university into the corporate world. 

If you are making those huge life decisions and you don’t have people around you, then you’re messing up. 

You’ve left yourself just completely unsupported with no help at all. 

If you have no help from people who are qualified, you are fucked. 

I was able to have saved years and years of my life by being around other people and being in high level networks that have allowed me to go far in life. 

Those high level networking connections are the reason I have been able to avoid making bad decisions, why I have been able to change my decision making, and also be able to make some changes to how I was operating my businesses. 

I’ve gone through a shit ton of testing, troubleshooting, and issues. But I wouldn't be able to make those changes, or make a decision unless I had those guys around me. 

That’s because I didn't know shit about business. 

You have to take down the arrogance and come to the realization that you don’t know shit about business. 

If you are not making over $100k per month, you don’t know anything about business. 

All the people out there, making less than $100k per month, and trying to educate you about business. You should not listen to those guys. 

They’re completely unqualified. They think that they know what they are saying but they don’t have the results, no receipts to prove that they actually know anything about business. 

Just like how I would never take advice from a broke business professor. I would not take advice from a fat personal trainer. 

You need to find those high quality people and take advice from them. Listen to people with receipts and also surround yourself with those same people. 

Most people have no one around them to support them. Which is why they are never going to leave their 9 - 5. 

You will stay a slave forever if you don’t have that guidance. 

I’ve never seen someone tell me that they’ve built a business without a mentor. 

I don’t know at least 1 guy out there who didn’t have a mentor when they were scaling their business, even in the early days. 

Don’t be an arrogant fool thinking you can make those huge life decisions and stay afloat on your own. 

Go seek out help and guidance.

It will save you years on your journey.

Go Kill It Man
- JP