Top Of The Yacht

When I was in Dubai, I went out on a yacht at a supercar rally. I went to the back of the yacht and looked to the very top. 

There were a bunch of crypto millionaires with girls, and they all looked like hookers.

At the very bottom of the yacht seated right by the exit were two 8 figure guys. They were a bit older and they were both conversing together.  

Judging from the way they sat and the way other people were looking at them, they were having great conversations together.  

Whilst all the younger crypto guys were partying at the very top. They were discussing business and their plans. We were in Dubai and 

I just fucking wanted to be with them. I just wanted to be that person sitting next to my multi million dollar friend talking business on a yacht. 

Parties are overrated as fuck in my oppinion. 

You see, those crypto guys, they don’t actually understand what real business is. 

They see themselves long term probably losing all their money. So they are lavishing in the party lifestyle. 

The guys that were at the bottom of the boat actually understand real business. That’s why they are there. 

I really wanted to be there with them. 


  1. They were doing well in life. 

  2. Those are the skilled guys that I want to learn from.

But it’s an interesting comparison between the two groups. Being at the very top of the boat partying with bimbos and chicks.


Being at the very bottom chilling with 3 or 4 of your boys that are really business savvy, having great conversations together. 

Those two guys even brought their laptops. Guys that were in their 40’s and 50’s, they had their laptops by their side and they were just chilling and talking on the boat. 

They had 1 and 2 girls here and there, but they looked like wives. Not fucking whores and hookers. 

It’s not about the quantity of people you have surrounding you. It’s more about the quality of people you have around you and the conversations you have. 

Small gatherings on yachts like this one can also be used to forge lasting connections and make advancements in your businesses. Not just to party and indulge in degeneracy. 

The next time you are on a yacht, observe your surroundings and try to identify this distinction. 

Then associate yourself accordingly.

Go Kill It Man.
- JP