Take Full Accountability

You keep giving yourself excuses to stay broke. 

People that aren’t focused on going forward non-stop, are people that give themselves excuses to stay broke. 

I know exactly who those individuals are.

They are the ones that commit to something when they are full of motivation.

They stick to it for the first 2-3 weeks, and then they drop off at week 4 when their motivation runs out. 

The longer you continue to give yourself excuses, the more comfortable you get with your shit reality.

I want to really emphasize this for all the young fellas reading this that have just started their first, second or third business. 

The more you keep giving yourself excuses, the harder business will become for you. 

By giving yourself excuses, you’re always going to blame external factors for the failure of your business. 

If your business fails and you’ve given yourself excuses many times in the past.

The likeliness of you actually building a cash flowing business is very slim to none. 

All because you’ve been consistently giving yourself excuses for some of the things that you haven’t worked on. 

Excuses are cowardly. 

Everything that happens even though you might not have done the thing that led to the chaos in your business. 

It’s always going to be your fault. 

Admit to the mistake and take full accountability for it. It was your fault you hired this guy, it was your fault you fired this other person, it’s your fault that you created this content, etc. 

The moment you understand that everything is your fault and no one actually gives a shit about your business other than yourself. 

That’s when you’ll be able to have the highest level of self accountability. 

Unless you are able to completely keep yourself accountable on every metric.

You will continue on a downwards spiral of casting the blame on others.

That’s actually why a lot of unsuccessful businessmen decide to give up and go into politics.

There are men right now that started businesses and have allowed them to fail by continuously casting the blame on others. 

The only way of going about issues, obstacles, and problems, is to always keep yourself accountable. 

Every single issue is your fault. 

The moment you start keeping yourself accountable, is the moment that your business will become more successful. 


It’s because you are consistently going to battle those issues and obstacles with the best frame of mind. 

Go get it man…
- JP