Have you stepped in the right direction?

Your business does not grow because you work inside it.

Every day I look at my progress as a walk in the marathon of life

Do you walk in the right direction?

The direction of more money, more systems, more revenue

Most people don’t even walk anywhere

It’s ridiculous

I used to walk blindly through life and claim I was a hustler

After a few years into the game of entrepreneurship, you start to get a bit blind.

Going through every day like it is another day, trying to push your business in the right direction

But when I lay on my bed at the very end of the day, reflecting on my work, I ask myself…

In what direction have I pushed my business?

What did I actually do to take the business further?

The surprising thing is that I would “hustle” every day.

But nothing was being done.

Why is that?

Because I started to become an employee, not an entrepreneur

I started focusing on the operations and working INSIDE the business.

As businessmen we sometimes want everything to be perfect, and that leads us to take more charge in the business.

That takes us away from working ON the business versus IN the business

In my example, I’d hustle IN the business and ask myself, in what way had the business moved ahead

Normally, if you’re working in the business, you are an employee, and so your business is not actually growing.

You’re trying to keep that business afloat.

Here is how you fix that

When I implemented the KPI system, is the moment I started changing that evil pattern of unproductivity.

The KPI system keeps you accountable for the daily tasks you NEED to get done as a business owner.

As I highlighted in the JP Group, in order to make sure you continuously step in the right direction every day, you’ve got to have daily targets.

For example: write this email, create this system, hire this person, create this automation.

These are the simple things you can do to step in the right direction in the marathon of life.

So remember…

If when you go to sleep, and find that you have not taken your business in any direction.

Implement the KPI system so that you can ensure you take the right step every day.

You’ve got this man