Solo Travelling

I’ve learned a lot while solo traveling

It is really refreshing and fun being able to go to a new country by myself and not be bothered by others

Yesterday a friend asked me: “How are you able to travel alone for such a long time? I would be so bored.”

The fact is…

Isolating myself in a new country by myself is all about eliminating all the bullshit and focusing on what matters most

If you can isolate the highest leverage machine you need to work on in business…

Then that isolated time alone would be the most productive you’ve ever had

I want to be bored!

Because boredom makes you eliminate all the time-wasting shit in life

When you’ve got free time, that’s when you fill up your day with unnecessary tasks…

You are not busy.

You are just too preoccupied with mindless tasks that will lead you nowhere

EVERYONE has time

But no time to commit to what matters

Solo traveling allows me to focus on the things that matter

I love solo traveling

It helps me develop my social skills 

Meet new people

Explore the world

Right now I’m in Portugal and decided to come a few days ago lol

Every day is focused on my business

Because I literally have nothing else to do💀

Focus on the things in business that MATTER

Most importantly avoid mindlessly wasting time on the internet…

There are no downsides to solo traveling if you do it right

To re-emphasize

You ARE NOT busy

You just waste your time on unnecessary tasks

I have 24H 

You have 24H 

It’s all about how you use it

I’ve found solo traveling helps me focus on the right stuff in life

You’d be surprised how much time you’ve wasted on un-necessary things once you change environments

Go get it man


Side note: I’m organizing a trip with the guys in the JP Group to meet up in Lisbon and hike together. If you wanna hike with cool people together you can join the group