Chase Discomfort

99% of men have the same problems

Most of the time the problems are: scrolling on social media, being addicted to our cell phones, lack of discipline, falling victim to cheap dopamine, lust, eating endlessly, and gambling.

We are simply not disciplined enough. Us men need to wake up and level up.

We need to be more strict with ourselves. 

So the question is, as a man how do you make yourself uncomfortable?

When I was 16 until 20. My motto in life was always staying uncomfortable. I think that in the years between your teens until the end of your 20’s, you should always be in a state of discomfort.  

Discomfort pushes you to get better and adapt to new environments and stress. Think about this, where have the greatest, strongest, and most powerful men been created? 

They weren’t created from a bullshit lgbtq group. They were crafted from a state of constant discomfort. 

Men cannot become the men that they aspire to be without having gone through stress and discomfort. You need discomfort. 

Now that we are in the 21st century, it feels like we are the most comfortable that we have ever been in the whole spectrum of society. This is why we need to be intentional about changing this. 

It means going out into the world and pushing yourself to do uncomfortable things. Push yourself to do ice baths, going to the sauna, putting yourself into financial pressure, doing hard workouts, pushing yourself cognitively against other people, etc. 

Do hard shit. Shit that the 17 year old version of you would be doing in WW1 or WW2. 

I would argue that the best version of yourself would probably be created in the time of WW1 or WW2. In the middle of a war where there’s tons of discomfort, adversity, and lots of life threatening issues that you need to solve. 

Now that we have all of the technologies to understand how to create ourselves into the best man possible. The only thing setting you aside from becoming the absolute best version yourself…

Is yourself!

Let discomfort become the motto of this year.

Stay uncomfortable my friend.
- JP