The Risk Arc

There are levels of risk in life. You can go from 0 risk to 100% risk. 

Let me explain this further because I feel like I played the levels of risk game almost perfectly. 

If you look at zero risk on the left side of the spectrum, that’s the safe side. The zero risk side of the spectrum is you having a 9 - 5 job. 

It pays your bills and buys you enough food to keep you alive. It grants you the bare minimum amenities, and essentials. That is zero risk. That’s done because there is zero incentive for your boss to make you rich. He only needs you to do what the job requires and nothing more.

How do I think most men should go about this? 

They should have 1 or 2 zero risk jobs and potentially one medium risk job. Medium risk jobs are underrated yet a great way of transitioning into the business world. 

Medium risk jobs are the ones which you get paid by performance. The better you perform, the more money you make. A Sales job is one of the most lucrative ways to go about the medium risk route. 

Let’s say you work really hard on a no risk job, but you're probably not going to be rewarded as much as that medium risk job. In the Medium risk, you’re risking potentially having fluctuations in your income when you are doing that sales job. 

But you’re being rewarded handsomely for the hard work that you do once you get those numbers in. 

Then there’s high risk. High risk is learning how to create value and starting a business from scratch. Here’s the thing. Starting a business from scratch requires capital.

Starting a business is very risky as it is not guaranteed to be successful. Meaning, you might not be able to pay your bills and buy food. 

So here’s what I did to go from 0-100 in life.

In the very beginning stages of my life I started by getting a bunch of low risk jobs. I worked in 2 Landscaping jobs, 1 security job and 1 lifeguarding job. 

I did so because I didn't know anything about business. So I worked on the one thing I know for a fact I can solidify, that was my work ethic. So I cultivated a strong work ethic in the very beginning years of my life. 

Then I transitioned into focusing on working smarter rather than working harder. I also focused on learning more relevant skills vs learning to move grass around or to load equipment on a truck for a landscaping job. 

I stepped up from being paid low amounts for a low risk job to then being paid high amounts for another low risk job. That’s when I took on a management job at a medical ecommerce business.

I was testing out the matrix. I moved from a low risk low paying job to a low risk high paying job. I then realized that if you really want to go far in life, you need to be paid based on your performance. 

There’s nothing else that is more satisfying than you being paid based on how well you perform. This is the move I think most men should make. If they are in the 9-5, they should start to ease in towards jobs that pay them more on performance vs just them showing up.

Now I'm finally at the medium risk level. I got a great sales job that I enjoyed, that’s when I was working with Tate.

From there I moved into business and consulting. 

What you want to realize is that I made this transition very seamlessly. Very slowly, from low risk into high risk. I didn’t go straight into high risk. I moved from low into medium then into high, gradually. 

The reason why I did that is because if I moved too quickly I would not be able to understand how to deal with the high risk environment. Remember when you are in a high risk environment with a high risk job, you need to be very sharp and very smart. 

When you are at a young age you are neither of the two. But you have a good work ethic and the motivation to get things done.

When it comes to you starting a business most of you people are actually not smart enough to build a business flat out and that’s it. You need mentorship and guidance. That’s why mentors are always really important.

If you want to make loads of money and you have a 9-5 right now, you are in such a great position. You have tons of free time and your bills are being paid.

Now is the time to absolutely maximize your learning. Fix that learning curve that you have and turn yourself from a retarded 9-5 employee into a savvy business owner.