Rich Men

I met this guy a couple weeks ago that worked at Black stone. 

He looked as if he was in his late 50’s. We were staying at the same hotel, so I knew he got room upgrades and everything of that sort. 

We started speaking about Dubai and other things and I mentioned that I was 21. 

The thing about him is that he was talking about whores and bitches and that kind of stuff. 

I know for a fact that this guy makes a lot of money, but he doesn’t have a wife or children. 

To top it all off, he was drunk. 

My observation of him and his situation told me a lot. 

To put it in a nutshell, you can have all the money in the world but if you’re not around the right people, the right influence and you’re not creating that life. 

What sense does it make? 

You don’t have a wife, you don’t have any kids, you’re well in your 50’s and living like a 20 year old who just got some money. You’re practically soulless in some sense. 

He was still being forced and pressured into doing things. 

He was telling me that he doesn’t want to go to clubs, drink, party and that kind of stuff. 

But he was still going to Dubai, going out and partying all because all his mates were doing the same thing. 

All these black stone fucking oligarchs that have these trillions of dollars are still doing the same thing.

Even though you make tons of money you are still destined to fail. 

This old rich man is the epitome of what success would look like in a 9-5 job. 

He went to the very top of the corporate ladder, he has all of the bells and whistles, and he works at fucking black stone. 

If you actually think about it, when we had our interaction together back in California, In Agoura Hills. 

I was at the hotel, sitting in the outdoor area doing my work. 

He looked at me, he stumbled to the door and then came to the outdoor area to go and smoke. 

He looked at me and said "Hey, what’s up, how are you doing?”

He was drunk so he was stumbling on his words, acting in a retarded manner. 

He was an older man and I looked at him with shame. I didn’t respect him one bit. 

Due to the fact that he was a guy in his late 50’s, had tons and tons of money, no wife or children, and was drunk at a high end establishment. 

It doesn’t matter how much you have in this life. If you’re not around the right people and influences, without having a wife and kids, it’s almost as if it doesn’t make sense to have it. 

He doesn’t have anyone of significance to enjoy his riches with. 

He won the battle but he lost the war of life. 

Let this be an example for you to try your utmost best to avoid becoming.

Go Kill It Man
- JP