Where Are Your Results?

Yes, you already know that consistency is key and you understand that compounded consistency is what will lead you to your desired outcomes. 

Some of you guys have been reading my emails and listening to me in my telegram channel for more than 5 months now. 

By this time, if you actually listened and read the things that i put out, you should already be a lot further than you were when you started affiliating with me. 

But some of you guys probably see no difference from the time that you started following me up until today. 

You haven't seen genuine changes in your life and it’s because you haven’t acted on the thing called the compound effect. 

You guys might not realize that a lot of the wealthy people that I know right now have made their money within the course of just merely a few months to a few years.

Right at the very end of all the hard work, and at the end of their time in self improvement. 

I want to tell all of the younger guys out there that yes, of course the information is the same. 

The information on improving yourself is pretty standard across the board. 

Self improvement is performing activities that develop your capabilities and potential. 

And it goes deeper, whereas if you want to improve yourself you need to be patient, you need to work  hard, and you need to understand how to scale your life.

You need to go to the gym, work on every aspect of your life and things will be better. 

It’s just crazy to me how once you get that information and you know that it’s genuinely possible for you to get the life that you’ve always wanted to live. 

There are some people that don’t even believe that they can get that life. 

I used to live in one of the most corrupt and crime ridden places in Canada. 

At that time I didn’t actually believe that doing this kind of stuff was possible.

Now I travel the globe, stay wherever I want, do whatever I want and I can pay for anything without looking at the price tag.  

But I have to say something to the younger guys that have been in self improvement for a while.

The only times and moments that you’ll find the reward is at the very end. 

The only way to endure the pain of going through self improvement is,

  • Being around men that are above you and will support you.  

  • Learning how to celebrate those small wins and maintain a mindset of consistency.  

Rest assured knowing that if you work on yourself for an increase of 1% everyday consistently. You will go extremely far in life.

  • Being around men that are above you and will support you.  

  • Learning how to celebrate those small wins and maintain a mindset of consistency.  

Rest assured knowing that if you work on yourself for an increase of 1% everyday consistently. You will go extremely far in life.

Lets Get To Work
- JP