
The wealthiest people I know are the most receptive people I know

The poorest people that I know are the least receptive

If you reply slowly on text… that tells me that you have no money


Because receptiveness is linked to decisiveness 

But the crazy thing is…

Even though the wealthy guy has the most stress, most problems, and most stress to endure, he is yet more receptive than the broke guy.

Broke people are slow to decide 

Wealthy people are quick to decide

It’s so simple but yet so many people do not understand.

Even ultra celebrities I would send texts towards, people that are EXTREMELY busy, they have tons of shit to do and are likely overwhelmed 

Guys that own 50 million dollar companies with over 100+ employees, regardless of their stress…

Those people are quicker to give me a response 

Much quicker than the broke guy…

The broke guy that sits on his couch jacking off with nothing to do…

Well, why is that the case?

It’s all cowardice…

It’s a HUGE lack of balls…

And that probably includes you.

It is because some people have balls in life and some do not

Those that have grit, are those that get stuff done in life

If you want to become wealthy

You need to embody the traits of someone that is wealthy RIGHT NOW

  • Receptiveness

  • Courage

  • Strategic thinking

  • Relentlessness

It does not take a wealthy man more than 10 minutes to reply to a text…

But what makes me go crazy are THOSE people who ASSUME that they will become wealthy even though they embody the habits of a broke person

Why does it take you over a day to answer a text?

Why can’t you not make a decision quickly?

You keep saying that you’ll become rich one day…

But your daily habits and outputs do not reflect that…

Wealthy people are already high-functioning individuals.

But to BECOME wealthy it takes more receptiveness, more courage, more grit, and more relentlessness than the average wealthy person to BECOME rich.

Your habits need to be stronger than the wealthy guy killing it right now.

If he works 10 hours, work 12…

If he responds in 10 minutes, respond in 5 minutes

The game of becoming wealthy is all about FAST MOVEMENT 


And yet most people I know that “want to become rich” have a hard time answering a basic text…

The game is SO FUCKING EASY because everyone is afraid to PLAY THE GAME

It is EXTREMELY rare for me to find someone as receptive as the multimillionaire friends that I have 

Everyone who claims to be an entrepreneur 

But you WILL NOT become the man you dream of becoming without embodying those required habits

So either build some balls or stay broke…

Either dream about an outcome or work to create it…

Go get it man