Pushing Boundaries

I want to share an experience that profoundly impacted my life and career. This story begins with my second or third flight, which I took when I was 19.

It was the first flight I purchased myself, and it was for a business trip during the early days of Andrew Tate's business expansion.

I traveled to a remote province in Canada called Saskatchewan, where many salesmen for Tate lived.

A sales manager I had met introduced me to this group, and I began selling products, dedicating a few hours a day. Despite the challenges, I was relentless in my efforts.

Taking this flight was like a breath of fresh air for me. After being stuck in my room during the pandemic, I was now traveling, selling for Tate, and making decent money.

The trip to Saskatchewan was a pivotal moment. When I arrived, I was picked up by two salesmen who were listening to sales voice notes in the car. Their dedication fueled my obsession with sales even more.

During my stay, I immersed myself in work. I stayed inside the house, turning down opportunities to go out. I was completely focused on mastering the skill of sales.

This trip emphasized an essential lesson: business trips are for business. They are opportunities to show yourself in the best light, both online and in person.

One evening, after closing many deals, the team decided to reward ourselves by going out. Although I wasn't interested in socializing, I saw it as a chance to impress the sales manager.

We went to a bar, and I decided to leverage the situation to my advantage.

Despite never being the type to approach girls, I knew that bringing them to our table would increase my standing with the team.

I approached every girl in the bar and brought them to our table. My boldness and willingness to step out of my comfort zone left a lasting impression.

The team saw me not only as a hard worker but also as someone who could bring value in unexpected ways.

This led to me getting more hours on the live chat schedule, significantly increasing my monthly earnings.

The key takeaway from this experience is that if you want something, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to get it.

Your work ethic will get you in the door, but your excellence and proactiveness will push you to the next level. Whether you're an introvert or extrovert, it's about seizing opportunities and showing your best self.

Remember, every opportunity is a chance to put your all into it. Embrace the discomfort, push your boundaries, and let your dedication shine through. That's how you elevate yourself and achieve greatness.

Keep pushing forward and embrace every challenge with open arms.

And never forget to stay RELENTLESS!

Go Kill It Man
- JP