The Power Of Trust

I want to share a mind-blowing experience from my sales journey—one that taught me invaluable lessons and changed my perspective on high-ticket sales.

At one point in my career, I was consistently closing high-ticket sales, bringing in over $5,000 every single day.

It was an incredible achievement, but it became so routine that I almost became numb to it. I didn't fully grasp the magnitude of what I was doing until I started to realize the caliber of people I was closing deals with.

I was selling for Tate's War Room, getting people into this exclusive community. One day, I sold a membership to a guy who was very resistant.

It took several rounds of overcoming his objections, but he eventually joined.

Little did I know, he was one of the largest real estate owners in the UK, worth over nine figures. He had joined the War Room because of our conversation on a website chat.

This experience was eye-opening.

Here I was, a regular salesperson, closing deals with incredibly wealthy individuals. Talking to him further, I realized just how much money and opportunity are out there. It’s unimaginable until you see it firsthand.

Another memorable experience was closing a deal with a guy who ran a governmental drone business and owned a Ferrari.

I had always thought multimillionaires acted differently, maybe even looked down on people. But in reality, while they do have a certain way of speaking and a barrier of trust, they still give you a chance. They engage with you like any other person once that trust is established.

I spoke with several multimillionaires and even billionaires, from real estate moguls in the UK to entrepreneurs in the US.

These conversations continued even after the deals were closed. They were all happy with their purchases and willing to chat, which taught me how to communicate effectively with high-net-worth individuals.

When I was younger, I never imagined talking to these high-profile people. It felt like trying to talk to a girl who’s a 9 or 10—you think you don't stand a chance, so why try?

But selling to these wealthy clients showed me that they are just like us. They have their own barriers, and it’s all about establishing trust and proving your worth.

This journey has been incredible, and I’ve learned that with the right approach, you can connect with anyone, no matter their status.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to achieve this, remember that Peak State offers comprehensive steps to help you succeed in sales.

Keep pushing your limits and never stop hustling.

Go Kill It Man
- JP