Power Of Silence

Silence is powerful

It shows the level of maturity in every man

Here are 3 things that I want you to know: (Especially if you’re young)

  1. You probably speak too much

  2. You probably hang around the wrong people

  3. You probably don’t know how to ask questions

Here is why I have thrived within merely a few years


It’s because I LISTEN to others who have receipts (people who are accomplished) and I ask them the right questions.

If you aren’t comfortable planning a trip to Portugal last minute and spending 5K on your laptop in a matter of 10 minutes you likely have some work to do.

You DO NOT KNOW SHIT about business

And you will always need to learn

So that means that you need to master the skill of silence and asking powerful questions.

I have merely said almost nothing in my environments, but have been able to thrive within

I have been in rooms with Tristan Tate, Andrew Tate, Justin Waller, Sartorial Shooter, Sheiks of Municipalities, Monaco Monarchs, Children of Billionaires, and anyone that you consider at the top.


That silence is a sign of respect to other high value individuals

If you do not shut the fuck up, then they will soon know that you do not belong in the circle.

The elitist circle is not a group or membership that you buy. It’s about culture….

And as long as you can: Listen and ask the right questions…

You will find yourself in the right circles soon enough.

One of my good friends mentioned a few days ago as a compliment, how I don’t really speak much in social settings

But when there is a topic of value to dig into, I always interject so that I can learn more from it.

It’s a skill that can be learned. 

But that’s why I made a new course in my group “How to Speak” (Breaking down how to ask good questions and how to listen better)


Arrogance leads to thinking you know everything in the world

But it’s a defense mechanism that you must take down so that you can be open to learning.

Here’s a challenge for you to take on next time you are in a high net worth circle

Focus on LISTENING versus speaking 

And ask the right questions

Go get it man