Pivots In Life

The reason why I've come so far in life can be attributed to quite a few things, but taking pivots is definitely one of them. 

Can you remember the times when you’ve taken pivots? 

For example, leaving your parents’ house to go to university. You had to learn how different systems work, meet loads of new people and adapt to a completely new environment. 

Then you’ll have to take another pivot and move out into the real world. 

Joining the workforce, owning a car and paying your own rent.

What I want to allude to is that I have taken many different pivots in life. 

At one point I was traveling here, there and everywhere. 

I went to Dubai for a few months, living in a nice apartment, training with my personal trainer and building a killer network. 

Then moving to Thailand, enjoying the wonderful weather, training and working.

Moved to Eastern Europe and then back to my parents’ house in Canada.

I didn’t like my environment at home so I moved to the USA, spent a few months living there and then traveled back to Eastern Europe.  

All while going through loads of new and different situations and learning a lot of life lessons. 

I have also spent thousands of dollars buying experiences and forcing myself into different places.

If someone was to analyze my financial life. They would say this guy is crazy. 

He’s spending so much money at such a young age, he should focus on building his savings. 

Here’s the number 1 thing that I would tell every single young man working their way up.  

The largest payout that you will receive in your life will always be the learning that you will get from new experiences. 

The reason why I believe this is the case is because money is a byproduct of your value and you can’t build your value without gaining life experience. 

You need to force yourself to be as uncomfortable as possible and try to make as many life pivots as possible. 

I’m not saying this to sound arrogant, but I'm saying this to inspire others and help them realize something.

There is value beyond money. Especially for someone in their young years. 

You need to realize that the metric that shows you’re on track is you having life experience and you being a valuable man. 

When you increase your value, your earnings also increase. It’s an inevitable thing. 

The thing about people that focus on saving, is that when you focus on saving you are actually restricting yourself from becoming more valuable. 

That’s why I don't believe in saving money when you are young. You shouldn't save your money when you are young because you do not have any value at all.

Instead you should shift your focus to becoming more valuable. 

Remember, your life experience, the people you speak to, and the lessons you learn are what will make you a valuable man. 

Go Kill It…
- JP