Muscles = Money

Today, I want to share a personal story about how physical challenges have helped me tremendously in business.

This isn’t just about hitting the gym; it’s about pushing yourself to do hard things and how that resilience translates into your professional life.

Think about those moments when you're pushing hard at the gym—when you’re bench pressing and every rep feels like a mountain, or when you’re on a run and your legs are screaming for you to stop.

Those moments aren’t just physical challenges; they’re mental ones.

When you push through them, you’re not just building muscle; you’re testing and strengthening your mind.

Let me explain why this matters for business.

One of my friends, who scaled a successful business and climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, once said that building a business was harder than climbing that enormous mountain.

That comparison always stuck with me. It highlighted the immense mental and cognitive stress that comes with entrepreneurship. And just like physical challenges, business challenges require immense mental fortitude.

Here’s the thing: the only things in life that will truly push you are business and physical challenges.

When you push your body to its limits, you're also pushing your mind. That mental strength is crucial in business.

So, think of the gym not just as a place to get in shape but as a training ground for your brain.

For those who aren’t working out yet, I strongly recommend you start.

I used to be a high level swimmer, and I remember the grueling sessions where I wanted to give up but pushed through.

Those moments of pushing my limits in the pool built a resilience in me that I now draw on in my business ventures. If I hadn't endured those tough swims, I wouldn’t have the cognitive strength to overcome business obstacles.

Most of you reading this are either new to business or somewhere in the middle of your journey—not yet seasoned veterans.

It’s crucial that you prepare yourself now by pushing your limits physically. This preparation will make you more resilient and ready to tackle the challenges that business will inevitably throw at you.

Building a business is one of the hardest things you can do, even harder than climbing the tallest mountains.

Despite what online personalities might say, it’s not easy. And it’s especially tough for those who aren’t mentally prepared.

So, start pushing yourself in the gym, on the track, or wherever you choose to challenge your body. It will make you sharper, stronger, and more resilient in business.

Go Kill It Man
- JP


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