Money will show up last

Money is a delayed indicator of your value


I am about to break that down with a quick story

When I started my way of self-improvement, I expected that I’d be making money within a few short months of doing it

I would like to guys like Fresh and Fit, Justin Waller, Tate, Sartorial Shooter and assume that once I commit to the journey

I would get results quickly

I thought that it would come instantly

I will say for a fact…

They did not come quickly AT ALL!

But I did EVERYTHING that was written down on the book of self-improvement.

Hit the gym

Taking those sales calls

Building my charisma

Working 16-hour days consistently

Networked with high-class individuals

Those compounded choices have led me to a better state

I would see tangible changes to WHO I AM: my confidence was up, I was stronger, my network was increasing and people would look at me differently

But I was frustrated

It felt like I was doing everything right but money did not flow

My bank account was decreasing

I physically saw the numbers go down

In fact, at one point in my journey, I had to go into debt

So it felt like everything in life was lining up in the right direction

But the ONE THING that I genuinely cared about, that ONE THING would fix all my life problems was MONEY

And it did not reflect

That’s really what I gave a shit about

I wanted MONEY!

But it didn’t appear

I kept doubting myself thinking that it might be better to get a job and go back to the old life that I used to live since that’s what would instantly fix my money issue.

It was when I made this realization that led me to believe in the process

The process of self-improvement

When I started my consulting work under a good friend of mine called The Sartorial Shooter

Shortly enough, I realized that money is compounded within the process

The annoying thing that you must accept is that money is the LAST variable that will start to flow


Because money is a delayed indicator of your value

My thought process was…

For a man like Sartorial whom I deeply respect

Physically strong, insane network, well-known, highly respected, and very business-smart.

For a man as such NOT to be making a shit ton of money would make no sense

So I then realized that once you BECOME that man, you BECOME the person that everyone wants to be is the time that it will start to flow

The flow of money will begin at the VERY end of all the insane hard work

Funny enough…

A few months later, that’s when I hit my first 100K month

And all my money issues were fixed

The result that you expect WILL come.

The cashflow that you dream of having WILL come

It’s just about being patient enough to allow it to compound

Patience is what I needed.

And if you can stay patient, endure the process, and TURN yourself into THAT MAN.

The money will come


It’s just a matter of time

You’ve got this man


FYI - at this point, I had no money to afford new clothes, so I had to borrow a friend’s old suit.

Shortly enough I upgraded my dressing game.