Maintaining Boundaries

Maintaining boundaries is extremely important, it prevents you from being in situations that won’t serve you. 

Boundaries are internal walls you create to protect yourself by regulating potential exposure to certain scenarios. 

Boundaries help keep you disciplined and dialed in on your end result and goal. 

When you are someone that has boundaries, you have a harder time accepting things people present to you if it’s not going to get you where you want to be. 

A few nights ago I was at a cigar lounge with a friend smoking some cigars and eating steaks. 

I invited some other friends to speak about business and we ended up walking on the boardwalk for 20 minutes. 

We were exploring some areas of Warsaw and we slowly came right in front of one of the biggest clubs there. 

We took a look inside, it was dead, then we got out and went to my friend’s apartment.

At that point in time, one of the guys that i did not know, was suggesting to go to another club. 

But because I have boundaries I automatically said no. It was the same thing with my other friends, they all had boundaries and they said no as well. 

That one friend that suggested going to another club, he was the only one that ended up leaving and going to another club. 

That is a testament to the kind of people you should hang around with. Your friends should have similar boundaries as well.  

Back when i was in Dubai there was a time when i invited a friend over and he ended up staying for 2 and half months with me. 

I was still new to the game and that ended up being a very rough time for me. 

Because I did not create boundaries with him, he took full advantage of that opportunity. 

He ended up inviting friends over, hosting parties, and even doing a few things that I personally would never have done while staying with someone.

Now that I’ve been in the game for quite some time, I'm able to set them and our relationship straight from the very beginning.  

It’s something that you learn overtime because everything isn’t always presented to you at once. 

Having boundaries enables you to automatically say no to a life that you could’ve lived and say yes to a life that you want to live. 

My boundaries are anything that don’t serve me in any positive and uplifting way. 

That’s why I don't go to certain places and hang out with individuals that behave a specific way. 

Basically, anyone who isn’t on their journey of self improvement and entrepreneurship, isn’t someone I want to be around. 

If you’re taking the necessary steps to genuinely improve your life. 

Why would you invite others to be around you who are doing the exact opposite of what you want to accomplish?

Go Kill It Man
- JP