Lone Wolves

Having a network is pretty vital when you’re starting off in your whole entire journey. 

Especially when you branch off into the $50k-$60k plus months, you need a network. 

Getting to $20k per month is all a matter of good work ethic and sales. 

If you have those 2 things then you can get yourself to $20k, $30k all the way to $50k per month. 

When you try to branch off to go further, you will need to have a very good network. 

I cannot emphasize this enough because I have made insurmountable amounts of money just because I knew some things other people normally did not know. 

Some reasons why my business is running the way that it is, is because of my network. 

It’s because of the advice that some of my friends have given me. A network is not only just a place to get opportunities, but it’s a place to get consultation from other high value people. 

Why is advice so important? 

Well, advice is so important because you get a higher level third party opinion on how you’re operating your businesses. 

For those guys that say ‘oh i’ll be a lone wolf’. 

I’ll tell you this, 

Actually let me go back to a story when I was back in my parents house in Toronto. 

I went really deep into the self improvement content and I learnt so many new principles about life. I even wanted to buy a poster of a lone wolf and stick it up in my room. 

A symbol to say I am the lone wolf now. 

For about a year or 2, I was doing the lone wolf thing. 

To be honest it was great. However, I was feeling empty and lonely in some sense. 

That’s the reason why I went to university, that’s the reason why I tried to go and network, because I felt lonely for some reason. 

I was hustling blindly and not making any money.

So I started networking and connecting with people. 

Once I eventually started getting around other people, they started not only giving me that validation, giving me that sociability that I needed. 

But they also helped me a lot with my business and helped me become more capital efficient and also know how to generate more income and value in the society. 

You can always admit to yourself and say that you're going to be a lone wolf, but it is an arrogant statement. 

Being a lone wolf is basically you admitting that you know more than the people around you, so you’re going to ignore what they have to say and you’re going to be trapped with your own thoughts for your business. 

It’s quite an arrogant thing to do. What i would recommend you to do is say for example, your current environment has no one that is smarter than you or a level above you, then sure, you can do the lone wolf thing for a bit. 

But i think that you should focus more on getting new environments, being surrounded by people that are further up from you. 

You should not be a lone wolf if you have a good network. Of course you’re not going to spend all of your time networking. 

There’s so much help that someone in a good network can do for you. But remember, you want to look at your life not as the lone wolf but you want to be in a pride of lions. 

A pride of killers. 

It’s ultimately your decision to find that out.

Make sure to get out of your comfort zone and start connecting with other people at networking events and other locations. 

Use your network to propel your business forward.

Go Kill It Man