
This is the age of unlimited information

Information is EVERYWHERE

This is why the playing field in business has completely changed

Back in the days, you had to go to a library, be over 18, be qualified to go to college, and work very hard to RECEIVE information on how to succeed as an entrepreneur

All the tools that were hidden behind closed doors and curtains are now ALL at our disposal 

But it feels like even with this eternal access to libraries of information

People STILL have an issue hitting 10K months

Not even that…

Some even have a hard time hitting 1K months

With all the tools right in front of you

So my question is…

In a world of abundance and resourcefulness 

Why do so many people have issues becoming resourceful?

…while others can make a phone call and make things happen?

It is a matter of modern-day cowardice 

I genuinely believe that this era you are living in is the EASIEST time to gather resources and literally become a KING in a matter of months

When Alexander the Great scaled his empire in 13 years

You can gather the equivalent resources that Alexander the Great had in a matter of MONTHS with modern-day technology and information

Now imagine what Alexander would have been able to accomplish with the abundance of resources we have (Likely world domination)

The point is…

We have everything we need to gather resources

I have Instagram

You have Instagram 

I have internet access

You have internet access

I have a laptop

You also have a laptop

We have ALL that is required to succeed

The difference between those that get everything that they want, and those that struggle to merely hit 1K is…



All my success and resourcefulness has been rooted from a relentless determination to become great

And those people who are struggling

They are genuinely lazy

I have flown to 4 different cities in a matter of a few days and will soon be traveling across the world to do business over there.

You don’t need money to become as great as I am now.

I started with 0$

The key starts with a rigours determination to succeed 

And without that, you will be fucked.

You will stay lazy and rot into your Tomb unless you build that determination.

Take some time aside from your day and ask yourself.

What have I done to advance my business in the right direction?

Because most lazy people get nothing done

And that’s the reality.

But you don’t need to be that guy

Go get it man