
I want to share a story with you, one that I hope will light a fire under you.

Every CEO and business owner is looking for that one person who will revolutionize their company.

Let me tell you more about this. I was in Romania for a huge event called The Test. It brought together about 100 multi-millionaires, each spending $20k to be there.

My reason for attending was different, though. I wasn't just there for The Test; I had another test in mind—an update on work.

I went deep into Romania, to Brasov, to meet with Tate, Luke, and some other big names. We talked strategy, payment processors, and how to delegate tasks. Over three days, we had many conversations, but one thing really stood out.

Luke told me that even though we have thousands of students in The Real World, it’s still extremely hard to find strong, competent young men who listen, get things done, and are relentless in their pursuit of success.

This was a surprising realization. Even in a community that promotes hard work and masculinity, finding these kinds of men is tough.

Luke said, "The world desperately needs hardworking men who will revolutionize their company." He emphasized how rare it is to find men who are not only willing to work hard but also listen, avoid arrogance, and take action.

Think about it. If you are that guy who listens, works hard, and gets things done without overcomplicating, people are in desperate need of you. There are countless opportunities for you if you put yourself out there.

So, my question to you is: Why haven't you landed that job yet? If you're a hardworking, humble person who takes action, why aren't business owners running to get you on their team? It’s not that there are no sales jobs out there. It's that you might not be putting yourself out there enough.

Companies face complex problems every day and are always hiring.

Business owners are constantly looking for the best.

If you are the best, you should have a sales job today.

If you don’t, it might be because you're not putting in the effort or using the right strategies.

Relating back to Brasov, it was eye-opening to hear that even with millions watching self-improvement videos, 99% of them don’t take action.

They don’t apply what they learn.

The question is, are you going to be the exception?

You have the potential to be the person every CEO is looking for.

Don’t be the dreamer who just watches and learns without doing.

Be the doer.

Take action and revolutionize your life.

Go Kill It Man
- JP