Impulsive Decisions

Today I am going to share a few experiences I had that changed me forever.

Back when I was around 19 or 20, after traveling through Romania and Dubai, I found myself back home. Being at my parents' house just wasn't working for me. I felt stuck and knew I needed a change.

I thought moving in with a like-minded, motivated person would help, so I connected with a sales manager I met online. We were already friends online but barely knew each other in real life.

Despite that, I decided to move in with him and signed a long-term lease at a university in North Carolina.

Here’s where I messed up: I moved too fast without thinking things through. Even though I was closing deals and doing well in sales, the long lease was a bad move.

I didn't really know the guy I was moving in with or consider what could go wrong. He seemed cool on the surface, but his finances were a mess, and he wasn't as hardworking as I thought. He started to resent my success and eventually turned against me.

Seeing me closing deals and making money every day made him bitter. It’s tough when someone you thought you could trust turns against you.

Two months into the lease, I had to cancel it, which cost me a lot of money. I learned that trusting too quickly and making big decisions on a whim can backfire.

You'd think I'd learn my lesson, right? Well, not quite. I made the same kind of impulsive decision again in Dubai. Tired of jumping from one Airbnb to another with my brother, I decided to sign a lease on the first apartment I saw, recommended by a friend who was a real estate agent. The apartment looked great, and I thought it was the right move because my friend suggested it.

But here's the thing: Dubai's air quality messed with my health, slowing down my work. I have sinus issues, and the poor air quality made it hard for me to breathe and stay productive. I ignored the signs and trusted my friend's advice without checking things out myself.

Two months into another one-year lease, I had to leave Dubai. This cost me around $35k, and I ended up sleeping on the floor of an unfurnished apartment for two months.

These experiences taught me a lot.

Moving in with motivated people can be awesome, but only if you do it right. You need to really understand the environment and the people you're with. Don’t make big decisions on a whim or based on emotions.

I trusted too easily and didn’t take the time to think things through.

Take your time, think things through, and make sure you're making smart, well-thought-out decisions. Understand the full context, and especially, do not make large life decisions on impulse.

I hope my stories help you avoid making the same mistakes and remind you to be careful and deliberate in your choices.

In the end, these mistakes cost me a lot, but they also taught me valuable lessons about trust and decision-making.

Keep pushing forward, and always keep learning.

Go Kill It Man
- JP