Im not surprised

I am not surprised with what I have been able to build

I am not impressed at all, because I knew it was inevitable

The thing is, you need to understand that we ALL have the same urges, the same difficulties, same wiring.

We all have the urge to either chill down or attack the day 

Watch some tv after work or hustle on that business

Now that is why I’m not surprised with what I was able to build

Because I did everything in the book that would lead me to this result.

Every “Hard” or “Difficult” choice that led to a long-term gain. I took it.

I can envision you frustrated because you’re doing everything in the book that is said to lead you to a specific result in life

The thing is… 

You WILL get there

It will happen.

As long as you maintain these consistent habits, it’s quite inevitable.

Its all a matter of time in the game

My issue comes from your focus.

If you focus on the result, you will become blind to the present moment

And that focus will take you away from the process.

Stop dreaming about 1 million in your bank account

1 million does not appear without doing the work to deserve that million.

And even if I drop 1 million dollars in your bank

What going to happen?

Will your life massively change?

You might be able to retire your parents, buy your own house….

But nothing impressive

I know people that hold HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS

The millions that you keep dreaming about are the fruits of focusing on the process of becoming that person.

It’s within the process of working as an entrepreneur that you get gifted

You don’t get gifted from dreaming about the gift

Focus on the process versus pedestaling the result

This life I’m living was inevitable in my mind because of my focus on the moment

My rigorous focus on bringing value to the world and becoming a better

Go get it man