
You’ve got to create versus consume

It’s funny how you know that

But you do the exact opposite 

The thing is…

It’s not your fault

It’s your genetics

We are wired to consume when the brain is in scarcity

Let me explain further…

Back when we were cavemen, we were always ensuring our survival, we as cavemen had limited resources, limited technology, and limited help. 

With that in mind, the monkey brain in us would make sure to consume to stay alive

Stock up your stomach with fat to survive the winter

Reproduce before tough times to keep the bloodline alive

When the monkey knows that things will get worse it will consume everything around him to ensure his survival.

So that’s how the monkey brain thinks

Well I’ve got to catch you up on something

That monkey did not evolve into our current society 

You are still that monkey

Modern society was nonexistent 100 years ago

The phone was not available even 50 years ago.

Your monkey body has not adapted yet

In a resourceful society, with things to consume everywhere, TikTok, porn, youtube, and excessive food, the monkey brain is a curse ESPECIALLY when it thinks it’s going to die.

When our brains operate in scarcity, the monkey in us attempts to consume everything left and right to stay alive.

But the unfortunate thing about the current day…

What you consume in the modern day are things that will actually hurt you 

Shit food, porn, cigarettes, weed, reels, etc…

The monkey brain will self-destruct itself when it operates in scarcity

ESPECIALLY in a resourceful society with businessmen who understand human consumption.

We are living in a completely different world than what our ancestors did.

So here’s what you’ve got to do….

You need to hypnotize yourself into thinking money is everywhere

You need to be focused on producing 

Be in high net-worth environments 

Be so delusional that you think that money is everywhere on the ground

NEVER tap into that scarcity-based version of you.

Because that’s how you kill yourself

With that in mind…

Your monkey self will focus on bigger things like producing, building, creating, populating the world, and succeeding

This is a mindset that I had to personally force into my life 

Because I was not raised in the most abundant environment

combat that monkey in you

Because that monkey can take everything away with a few thoughts of scarcity.

Go get it man