High End Gyms

I got my first 2 copywriting clients by being at the most expensive gym in my area.

3 years ago I was an 18-year-old hustler

Was not sure how to break into the business world

It took me a few months to figure out a transition.

It was the moment I walked into a high-end gym that things started to change

My dad’s friend who was my soccer coach at that time decided to invite me over to his gym so we could train together

He also wanted to show me a different side of Toronto.

My impression of Toronto at that time was not the best, I hated the city because of how non-functional the country was, how fucked the government was, and the state of my neighborhood

I looked up to my soccer coach as well, he would always show up to every practice in his nice C63 AMG

The sound was insane


My Coach picks me up in his car and we drive to his gym (First time sitting in a Mercedes)

The moment we showed up at the gym was when my perspective of the world changed

I thought that the only place you could find money was in some hidden bank account or hidden in some rich guy’s mansion

My perspective changed when I went to Lifetime Fitness in Vaughan (The high-end gym)

We show up at the gym, look at the parking lot and I see:

A Ferrari, McLaren, Mercedes, Audi R8 

It felt like I was at a car show

I was speechless….

While working out with my coach it just felt different, the energy was different.

Everything was clean, people had manners, and all the facilities that a human could ever want at your display

My question was… if the parking lot was full of supercars, then the people in this gym must all be multi-millionaires 

Well funny enough a few minutes later, my coach took me to the cafe downstairs and I spotted a guy wearing a Richard Millie

Now I didn’t know how much it was worth at that time, but I knew for a fact that he was rich as fuck.

The energy was SO high, there were resources everywhere, and I was abundant.

The gym membership was 240$ per month and I had less than 10$ in my bank account

Decided to pick some extra shifts at work, because I was dying to go back there.

One week later, after 5 shifts I made enough money to afford 1 month and BOOM I was inside

I’ll tell you this right now.

It was worth every penny.

Because it started everything…

Being in that gym is not about the luxury, it’s not about the saunas, it’s not about the cleanliness (Even though I love saunas)

It’s about the ENERGY

The ENERGY of abundance

The ENERGY of Money Everywhere

The cool thing is that a few weeks later in the sauna at that gym

I spoke to one of the business owners when cooking in the heat

He was looking for some copywriting + marketing help

I knew jack shit about about marketing (lol)

But I told him that I could help him out

He ended up hiring me the next day

The same thing a few days later

2 HIGH-PAYING copywriting clients


10K a month was my actual income when I got both of those clients

I did not realize at that time what actually happened 

But that was the start 

So here’s some advice for you

Be around rich people

Pay that extra dollar to be at the most expensive hotel

Pay that extra dollar to go to the best gym

Pay that extra dollar to be around the wealthy

It’s not about what you get with that extra dollar, but it’s about who you surround yourself with by doing so.

Go get it man