The Growth Mindset

The growth mindset is something that I had to learn in my journey from salesman to content creation.

You need to be in a constant state of learning

Especially if you want to be an entrepreneur 

It’s funny how people do not understand

But becoming an entrepreneur requires a flexible mind 

And a rigorous focus on being a constant learner

No matter your age, race or experience in life

You’ll always need to learn

You need to be flexible

The time you admit to yourself that you’re too old, too wise and too smart to learn, is when you stop getting better.

Here is a great experience that got me to fix my arrogance

At one point in my sales journey, I was hitting 55k months consistently as the best salesman in the team

It was the moment that I stopped listening to people around me was when I started loose performance

It’s because I was arrogant.

I thought that I was the best salesman ever

I felt indestructible

It’s just like back in the day when emperors would win huge battles in was and overly celebrate 

Whilst the enemy watches them celebrate, they work on themselves admitting to a defeat, and when ready the enemy strikes and beats the emperor

It is because the emperor lost focus 

He thought he was the king of the world 

Same as you!

You might think you are good at something 

But do not let arrogance come up to keep you from being in a constant state of learning.

You need to always be on your toes

You will never be perfect

And by understanding that

It means that we always have something to work on

Go get it man


This pic was taken like 2 years ago lol