The Greatest Curse

Here is the greatest curse to any businessman. I’m pretty sure some of you have gone through this curse before. Let’s dive deeper into it. 

What is the actual utility of our businesses? 

The utility of our business is based on the essence that we can provide exceptional value to our clients. 

The greatest mistake that any businessman can do when they start scaling, growing, slowing down their operations, or even when they start getting beat by other competition. Is to start focusing on their competitors rather than focusing on their clients. 

For example, here’s a quick back story into my life.

Back when I was much smaller, I used to be a competitive swimmer.

We would perform various techniques like front crawl, butterfly stroke, backstroke, breaststroke, etc. 

My coach would always offer his expert advice and say “when you’re swimming those laps, when you’re going against all the strong, skinny, and really fast swimmers. You need to focus on swimming to the end.” 

You need to focus on your stroke, focus on your technique. He has always told the class that the people who focus on their competitors Are the ones that got beat. 

They would look to see if someone was beating them or look to see if someone was slower than they were. Constantly focusing on the moves and positions of other swimmers. 

However, the guy in first place is the person that is completely dialed down on the excellence within himself. That person in first place is someone that is completely focused on the variables he can control. Technique, speed, accuracy, glide, etc. 

Relate that in the world of business.

Have you ever felt that feeling when you’re trying to beat a competitor, and by you overly focusing on trying to beat your competitor. You’ve actually started to perform poorer in business. 

This is actually a really frequent thing in business where most people start to look over their back versus focusing on what actually matters in the marketplace. 

What matters is you delivering an exceptional product/service to your clients. Billion dollar businesses are businesses that are focused on clients.

Million dollar businesses can be flustered with trying to out compete their competition. 

Remember, if you want to go far in life you need to focus on your clients.

The solution to all the issues in your business could be just asking your clients a few questions. 

You don’t need to be flustered about your competition. If you have good distribution and a good product, then you should be killing it.

Go get it man