Give It Your All

I wanted to share a personal story with you today, one that taught me some important lessons about balancing work and social opportunities.

A few years back, I was living in the UAE, surrounded by a lot of entrepreneurs and high achievers.

Every day, I was out networking, meeting multi-millionaires who were eager to connect. It was exciting, but it also pulled me away from my main work. Despite the social pressure, I often gave in, thinking these connections were essential for my growth.

We often hear that we need to sacrifice nights out, partying, and socializing to succeed. But what many don't realize is that sometimes, we need to say no even to seemingly valuable opportunities. It’s not just about avoiding distractions from friends or casual outings; it’s also about discerning when to pass up on meeting influential people.

In Dubai, the challenge wasn't avoiding parties but saying no to exclusive events.

Imagine this: one of my friends invited me to a yacht party with 16 multimillionaires and a billionaire host. The pressure to go was immense, but I was tired of returning from these events feeling like I'd wasted valuable work time.

On the day of the yacht party, I was torn.

Should I go and mingle with the wealthy or stay back and focus on my work?

I watched the yacht pass by from my balcony and decided to make my time count. I ended up doing 500 push-ups on a live stream and got an incredible amount of work done.

When my friend returned, he talked about how great the event was. But in that moment, I realized I had won in my own way. While he was socializing, I was building my business and pushing my limits. This decision marked the beginning of a series of “no’s” that led to significant progress in my ventures.

The lesson here is to understand what season you’re in.

If you’re in a phase where scaling your business is crucial, say no to most distractions, even if they seem beneficial.

Save your yes’s for when you’re looking to expand and need new opportunities.

It’s all about knowing when to focus on your work and when to network.

Many people make the mistake of saying yes during a season of no’s.

They get caught up in opportunities that don’t align with their current goals.

When you’re building and growing, those flashy opportunities can often be a distraction.

You need to stay focused and prioritize the work that directly contributes to your success.

So, next time you’re faced with a tempting offer, ask yourself if it aligns with your current goals.

If you’re in a season of building, stay focused.

If you’re ready to expand and explore, then say yes. It’s all about balance and timing.

Keep pushing forward and always be mindful of your season.

Go Kill It Man
- JP