Fuck Your Friends

I do not want friends.

Here's my belief systems on friends now.

And it's completely changed when I turned 18 right after high school.

Everyone you're going to be friends with after high school, is either going to be mutually benefitial or is your blood relative.

And thats why right after high school people are typically going to be lonely because those relationships they had in high school fizzled out and they dont have a lot of value to provide to someone else.

I can say this for a fact because when I came back to Toronto a few days ago, no one asked me to hang out or catch up.

Everyone that I had a "Deep" relationship with in school moved on already.

A man that is too sticky to relationships is an emotional man, will never do great in business.

Because an emotional man is an unstable man.

Either you'll stay a child or you'll mature into the level of realizing that your friends are not your friends because you're a great friend.

Your friend is your friend because they have something to gain from you.

The only friends that I have are friends that either benefit me in terms of my knowledge, financially, or my health and fitness.

If they don't fucking increase my bank account size, increase my muscle mass or increase my overall health, they are not my friend.

Everyone should adopt this kind of thinking.

If your frame your life in terms of mutual benefit rather then just feeling happy, you will start to realize how to tap into the upward spiral of life.

It will also allow you to form deep and meaningful relationships which both sides rely on each other.

Thats exactly why I dont just have “Friends“ or “Hoes” or any of that gay shit.

True brotherhood and wifey, thats it.

Go Kill It Man

- JP