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- The Formula to Unlimited Oxygen
The Formula to Unlimited Oxygen
We are suffering from a pandemic of mouth breathers.
I know this is a loaded one, but what I'm going to do in this email is explain all the research I’ve done over the last few years and explain why wearing nose strips is likely something that will change your life.
This is a really big problem, there are 2 problems that you might currently have.
Reports suggest that over one in seven adults have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) worldwide. - Published in: 2024 By: Lewis R Kline, MD
Sleep Apnea is the most common sleep-related breathing disorder. People with obstructive sleep apnea repeatedly stop and start breathing while they sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the throat muscles relax and block the airway. This happens off and on many times during sleep.
Now I don’t want to scare you, but sleep apnea is an EXTREMELY huge problem globally because of these reasons
-It stops your airflow during sleep
-Quality of sleep DRASTICALLY goes down with Sleep apnea
-Most people will grow up into developing sleep apnea
Funny enough, I previously worked at an E-commerce company that sold CPAP machines, which is one way to combat Sleep Apnea.
CPAP’s are essentially sleep-aiding machines that you wear when going to sleep. It’s a big machine that you put beside your bed and wear a mask when sleeping. The machine cost can range from 2000$ - 10000$ depending on your Apnea type. The machines are noisy, the masks take your whole face.
When I used to work at this e-commerce business, they were founded in the early 2000 and based on the financials it’s very easy to see the increase in sleep apnea. Their financials went from making 5 figures to generating 8 figures a year.
Having sleep apnea sucks, genuinely. It takes away the freedom from sleeping.
But you might not have it now and say: “JP I’m young and hit the gym, there’s no reason to worry about it”
The thing is…
Most people nowadays are mouth breathers.
About 25-50% of the population breathes through their mouth.
Being a mouth breather is a symptom of having a really weak jaw, that is, if you have a weak jaw, the likeliness of having sleep apnea in the future is severely elevated.
The world has completely changed it’s health regimens since the industrial boom.
Just look at the grocery store… ALL human-engineered food. This kind of food that we eat is foreign to our ancestors… soft, high in starch, easy to eat food.
Food you would never have found back in the 1800s century and below.
Everything is created for human effortlessness now, which also means there are negative byproducts to that change.

Here is a picture of how our facial structures has changed just based on our lifestyle choices.
The kind of food we eat has led to several impacts on our human operations.
The way we breathe, how we eat, the muscle structures in our face, and how we look is now COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
I can say for a fact unless you are being very careful with the food that you eat, you have likely faced some kind of negative impacts, from the industrialization of food.
DISCLOSURE: Now I don’t want to be the guy to say something and everyone assumes it’s true. (Verify this info with someone else if you want) I’m just making natural observations.
So how do you fix it and how can you get that giga chad looking jaw and the most refreshing night sleeps?
Here is my protocol to you: Wear nose strips (When sleeping and going to Gym), eat more meat (Tough food) and Chew hard gum.
Now what are nose strips: (Me getting a fresh cut with the strips on)

Nose strips are essentially tape that opens your nose airway. They increase oxygen inflow by 20-40% and they train your nose muscles to accept more air intake.
I wear them the majority of the time. BUT, I recommend to ANYONE that goes to sleep, I am POSITIVE that your night sleep can be much better with the nose strips.
If anyone knows the Woop app, it tracks your sleep quality. Whenever I had 8 hours of full sleep and wore the nose strips in a cool environment, my sleep was at 95-100% recovery.
With more oxygen inflow into your system, your red blood cells are full of oxygen, you recover quicker from any muscle soreness and every day you wake up feeling more refreshed!
This is why I started wearing the nose strips, cause I’ve always felt like my nose has been partially blocked
Once I tried the nose strips it felt like I unlocked a new level of breathing (LOL).
In fact, if you have a deviated septum, this is perfect for you.
So I’m pretty sure you’re super intrigued about these nose strips and want to try some on your next night's sleep.
Well, I’ve got you.
I’ve tried over a dozen brands of nose strips and now have found the best and most reliable brand out there in the industry.
It’s a company called hostage tape you can get the nose strips HERE
Yes, that’s an affiliate link, but for that, I can assure you that they are the best in the game.
They are the most durable, open your airway the most, and are the most affordable.
Grab yourself some nose strips and make sure to let me know if they helped you.
Send me a DM to my Instagram when you get them.
If you do have questions about the nose strips you can also send me a DM saying “SLEEP” now to my IG
To a better and more oxygenated life!
Talk to you soon.
