Your First Time

I want to share a quick sales tip with you all, especially for those of you stepping into the world of sales or already landing your first sales jobs.

It's all about making that crucial first sale count.

Imagine you're on a call with a potential client or a business owner, and you don't reach a decision.

It's essential to understand that every call should lead to a decision: yes or no.

Don't settle for "I'll tell you in two weeks" or "I'll let you know in a month." Those are the folks who will never close.

This approach applies whether you're closing a deal, securing a sales position, or converting a lead.

If you get on a call with a business owner and nothing gets decided, it means you haven't shown enough value.

So, how do you get around this obstacle?

Start by asking for feedback.

Ask the business owner what you can improve on to make a better first impression. Remember, decisions are often made in the first few seconds of a call.

Show energy and confidence right from the start to increase your chances of closing that position.

When it comes to getting a sales job, don't take "maybe" for an answer.

If a business owner is delaying the decision, you need to apply some pressure.

Just like you might use FOMO (fear of missing out) to push a product, apply that same intensity to securing the sales position.

The best positions often require a bit more push and smart communication. If a business owner easily says "yes" without much consideration, it might mean they have low-quality leads or poor opportunities.

However, a more selective and picky business owner likely values his sales team and invests in their success. Show them you're the one who can close deals and bring value to their company.

Keep pushing forward and make those first calls count!

And you’ll be well on your way to becoming a professional in the sales industry.

Go Kill It Man
- JP