My Fight For Success

I want to share a story from my life that marks the beginning of my sales career. It’s a journey full of hard work, networking, and a bit of luck.

It all started when I landed my first sales job—a dream role as a closer for Andrew Tate. Many might think I just got lucky, but there was a method to my madness. Andrew Tate didn’t just randomly choose me. I followed a detailed, intentional process to get close to him and earn his trust.

The biggest challenge in sales isn’t just knowing how to sell; it's about securing that first opportunity. How did I stand out among the thousands of young men aspiring for the same chance? Let’s rewind to when I was 18, juggling four jobs, hustling like crazy.

Freshly kicked out of university for refusing the vaccine, I was driven by a singular goal: to get rich. All I knew was hard work. I was determined, but my understanding of business was limited.

I worked multiple jobs non-stop until I realized that sheer effort wasn’t enough. I needed to be smarter. That’s when I discovered the transformative power of networking.

Eventually, I landed a management position as a sales manager. It was a nine-to-five job, and I promised myself to give it my all for six months.

My goal was to leverage this role for bigger opportunities. In those six months, I maximized my potential, propelling the business from five to ten million dollars. Along the way, I continued to network tirelessly.

To get closer to Tate, I made a strategic decision to buy his products and immerse myself in his community.

I attended every networking event I could, followed up diligently with everyone I met, and reinvested every dollar I earned into my self-improvement—courses, mentorships, and even paying for other people’s meals. Savings weren’t a priority; growth was.

This relentless networking brought me closer to Tate’s inner circle. One day, one of his salesmen reached out to me, wanting to meet up.

Despite my busy schedule, I seized the opportunity, knowing it could be a game-changer. I showed up prepared, cigars in hand, ready to make an impression.

During our conversation, he hinted at a potential job. I leapt at the chance, committing to doing my absolute best.

The first few shifts were a test of my competence. I excelled, which led to more hours and more responsibilities.

I even quit my nine-to-five job before receiving my first paycheck from Tate’s team.

I moved in with two other hustlers, working insane hours, sometimes from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m.

My hard work paid off, and soon, I was the hardest worker with the most hours and the highest pay, on my way to becoming a sales manager.

The key to my success was building trust, providing value without asking, and consistently demonstrating my worth.

I never asked for a raise or a promotion; I let my work speak for itself. Wealthy people are more likely to give opportunities to those who prove their worth without asking for it.

If you're looking for a step-by-step process to land your first sales job, remember, you've always got Peak State.

We’ve got direct steps to help you get started. I've helped thousands of people achieve their sales dreams, and I’m here to help you too.

If you’re not following my instagram broadcast channel, I am running an event for everyone that is interested in sales.