Everyone is selfish

Everyone is extremely selfish

You might not even notice, but EVERYONE is selfish to themselves

But I don’t blame people, it’s natural.

A few months ago, I was on top of the world.

I was amassing millions of views at that time on the daily

In some of the best locations on earth Mykonos, Bodrum, Warsaw, and Spain, Travelling the WORLD

But that led me to have something called the spotlight effect

Because I was living this insane lavish lifestyle and everyone was giving me attention, I thought everyone gave a shit about me

I thought people gave a shit about me because it’s me (Narcissistic brain lol)

But soon enough I realized that people only gave a shit about what they could gain out of their relationship with me

Why did I make this realization?

It’s all due to sales and how I framed things

Whenever I would run sales promotions, I would wonder to myself…

With all this attention, why aren’t my sales going up

It is because I was not selfless to my audience

For someone to be compelled to purchase a product or find value

The owner needs to be SELFLESS

They need to put themselves in the prospect’s shoes

And ask themselves… Would I actually buy this stuff?

So I decided to change a few things in my products that led my clients to get more results and more money.

We are hard-wired to be selfish as a defense mechanism to stay alive

We are SELFISH for survival reasons

It is linked in ALL our DNA’s

Everyone’s looking at everything with a selfish view

“How can I gain from this”

“How can I make money from that”

“How can that make me look better”

It’s a realization most amateur businessmen have a hard time realizing

Everyone cares about themselves

And if you want to make a SHIT ton of money in the business game

You need to be good at looking at the client and being selfless to that client

Analyze what is their benefit from this business deal, versus yours, and you might spot some issues.

This is a great perspective cause most people are pieces of shit and only care about themselves (Understandable)

But if you flip that around, it might help you make some realizations.

Go get it man