Disrespecting Billionaires

I disrespected a billionaire 

I am not proud to say this, but I learned a really valuable lesson back in November

For the 4 months that I was in Dubai, I’ve spent loads of time expanding my network 

Being around high-class individuals

People genuinely killing it in business

Speaking to people with over 100M dollar companies 

Now here’s the thing about being with the elites 

ESPECIALLY in a Middle Eastern setting 

You NEED to understand the culture 

You NEED to flow and follow the small gestures that are done to respect higher-class people

Back in February, I was able to establish a good relationship with a man who was very well-connected 

Through helping that friend with a lot of different endeavors, i was able to build a great relationship with him

He then was able to introduce me to LOADS of high-status people 

Including billionaires…

Im not joking…

Guys that rolled through the streets with Bugattis and security teams

Here’s a pic of when I was at a Bugatti dinner with some cool people:

There were 6 antique Bugatti’s at this dinner

THOSE were the kind of people that I hung around with in Dubai 

People with custom antique Bugattis 

Not a Tate Bugatti 

But the level after that…

The ultra fuck you Bugattis

So here’s a lesson I learned while being around high-class people

… They notice the small things

They notice the way that you speak 

They notice the way you walk 

They notice your body language

They notice everything 

With a few minutes hanging around them, they will be able to understand if you are a part of the club or NOT

Because if these kinds of people are billionaires…

They have had TONS of life experience, and have been fucked over many times

They are EXPERTS at seeing if someone is legit or not

So here’s the story…

For a few months time, me and my friend were hanging around

We figured out the general habits of a billionaire that we wanted to get closer to so we could do business with…

We went to the same cafes that he’d grab coffee at in the morning 

We’d go to the same restaurant that he would be a regular at…

This made our faces familiar and soon enough we were able to strike up a conversation with him.

Now I was doing this elite networking to help my friend out since he had genuine business that he’d be able to do with him

But you can’t do business with a billionaire unless he TYRUSTS you and knows you

So after speaking with the billionaire and seeing him a few times

The billionaire invited us a few times to play racket and watch him do polo

Rich people shit lol

Here’s where I fucked up

I started to get too comfortable

Going to his favorite restaurant regularly made me slack off with my apparel.

Sometimes being lazy with the fits I would wear and forget about small things like ironing a shirt, not being as sociable and forgetting to stand when others are around.

One day I was sitting on a chair and my friend stood up and left

I had a weird urge but I ignored it

It felt weird but I stayed sitting down 

But my awareness was low

It was the billionaire wanting to say hi

He walked up to me whilst I was sitting down 

Shook my hand, and the bartender’s hand and left 

For the Middle Eastern setting to not stand up… 

That is a big sign of disrespect, especially for a billionaire 

And adding shit to the equation…

I was wearing shorts (Lol)

So he patted my back a few times and went to his table 

My friend was pretty pissed at what ended up happening and we were able to later regain that relationship 

But here’s the lesson of the day 

Never get too comfortable in environments 

ESPECIALLY if there are high-status people in the same environments as you

Because you never know who you might meet.

Go get it man


I’ve got a follow-up email, about how I now have private access to all of that billionaire’s facilities, and how he now loves me. That one’s going to be cool lol.