How to destroy your life

This is a big one, as much as you see stories of success all over social media

I am going to take this and flip it 180 degrees

I have witnessed firsthand, someone completely destroying their life and networks

Back when I used to work for one of the most famous guys on the internet 

I had a few friends working alongside me, including one guy that let’s say lacked emotional intelligence

Why did I see that? I had a bad gut feeling about him, he was over-emotional regarding money, and his actions and words did not line up.

So automatically I was a bit careful with my interactions with him at work.

Now at that time, his network was insane, he was making loads of money, he was travelling everywhere living a good life.

It’s until he decided to fuck his whole life up.

One day he made a huge mistake in the team.

That mistake he made likely cost hundreds of thousands if not millions to the owner.

He had a hard time admitting to mistakes and thought he was always right 

Now he had 2 decisions to make

  1. Admit to that mistake

  2. Stay convicted in his decision

I’m sure you all know which way he decided to take.

He stuck in his position and ended up being fired from that job.

What comes next is personally mind-boggling.

With him losing his main source of income, instead of admitting to the mistake, he takes that energy to go on a rampage of self-destruction.

He decides to elevate the problem and announces the issue on social media

Publicly making the issue known to the network that he had been exposed to

Now the crazy thing is that I would associate myself in similar networks with him and high net-worth individuals would bring him up asking what happened.

He not only fucked up his financial situation but started destroying his public reputation.

To add fire to the flames, he decided to “expose” his previous job, purely to destroy them.

You cannot imagine now how much of a fucked up situation he put himself in.

You might think the smart thing to do is stop, take a chill pill, step back and admit to the mistake.

He had a different plan, his ego, and his emotions were in control. Not his logical brain.

When you thought he couldn’t go any lower, he decided to go on Twitter to announce that he’s started a marketing agency and claims client testimonials that he has not built.

People that he has never even spoken to, he’s claimed that he’s given them millions of views and announces that publicly.

Think people gave in to his lies? Probably some, but the majority have fully lost respect for him.

Funny enough, 3 days ago back in Miami, I spoke to a high-end influencer mentioning his name and he completely smelt through the bullshit he told me he didn’t like the guy.

Now I know by now, you’re asking: JP WHO IS THIS GUY?

Well, I cant disclose his name because that would cause a whole new problem so let’s just keep this email as a lesson: how to not fuck your life up.

How to avoid destroying your life’s work and finances.

The challenging thing about being an entrepreneur is having a growth mindset.

If you understand the biology of how men work, we are naturally egotistical and lenient to think we’re always right.

But for the modern day, if you want to be a successful entrepreneur you’ve got to NAIL your emotional intelligence and implement the growth mindset.

The growth mindset embodies taking people’s feedback, analyzing critically every perspective, and understanding that things might change, and that’s OK!

Not only you’ve got to implement that mindset but you’ve also got to have a strong emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to stay in control of your emotions, even in high-pressure situations. You can imagine how low in emotional intelligence that guy was.

A highly emotionally intelligent man is one who can select emotions based on the situation to benefit themselves.

It’s a hard skill to master, but i’ll say this for a fact, if you can keep control of those emotions, you will be a better decision-maker.

So let me ask you this…

If it comes to play that something major happens in your business or work

Will you admit to that mistake?

Or will you fuck your whole life up

Stay in control of those emotions

Because they can genuinely destroy everything

Go get it man