Counting Pennies

This is something that I firmly believe in. 

If you’re someone that decides to count pennies because you believe that the amount of money that you make from a deal is better than maintaining a relationship with an individual. 

That tells me you aren’t experienced in business. 

A few years ago I had an experience with a young man. We were both young and trying to become successful and make tons of money. 

He was a really cool dude and also my good friend. I had a great time living with him for about a month in Saskatchewan. We would go out and do stuff, and he also showed me the culture there as well. 

Both of us were in a similar sales position doing very similar kinds of work. What took place was that we had some issues with claiming sales. 

For example; i would close a down payment deal with a client. What would happen is that the same client who made the down payment with myself. Would then come back into the live chats and another person would close that same client on the other half of the payment. 

In the past, we would have some small petty arguments about who closed this guy, about commissions, small deals, and other little shit in the pipeline. 

By us counting pennies. That was us clearly telling each other that we care more about the money than we cared about the relationship we had. 

When it comes to small little insignificant things especially when you are young. You’ve got to value the relationship more than whatever amount of money you would make from destroying that relationship. 

There are people who are completely fine destroying their relationship just for money. 

Here’s the thing, karma always comes back to those kinds of people who decide to put the money before the relationship. 

The people that count pennies and value the money more than the relationship will suffer long term damage to their finances. 

They also prove themselves to be the weaker one in the relationship. By being the one who collects the money, you are essentially the coward in that relationship.

We all know the grownup person is the one that admits to their mistake, or the one that decides to put their ego down and take a knee to ensure the relationship stays solid. 

Never count pennies. The relationship is worth more than any amount of money you end up collecting. 

On a wide scope of things the small counting pennies shit that most people do is almost laughable when you look at it long term. 

Since then, I’ve fortified that relationship and we’re back on good terms.

Imagine yourself being a multi millionaire closing million dollar deals. With that in mind, why are you deciding to collect cash versus maintaining relationships?

It’s just crazy how people will turn against each other just because of money. 

It’s a lesson I had to learn through experience. Hopefully some of you guys don’t need to experience some of these issues, or burn some bridges by reading this email. 

The bridges that you have will be worth more than any amount of money you’ll make. 

Never look to destroy those kinds of relationships.

Go Kill It Man
- JP