Complete freedom

I’ve been going wherever the fuck I want to do for the last 4 years 

Touched over 30+ countries 

In the last week I’ve gone to 6 different cities…

Chicago, Boston, New Jersey, New York, Los Angeles, Lisbon

If someone had to rank how free I am from slavery 

It’s a 10/10

I am completely free from anything 

And that’s the life that I have curated for myself 

Let’s track back to when I was in my 9-5

I vividly remember this moment

I was being paid 100K per year at the age of 19 as a manager of an E-commerce business

But I genuinely felt like a Bot, in the rat race, I was making good money, but I was not able to enjoy life in any sense

6 months into that job I had to make a decision

It’s either I keep working like a slave forever and make 100K a year or risk leaving the job to create a better more free life

Now at that time, people would tell me: “JP leaving a job like this is a really big risk, just stay in this job for a year or two and slowly figure it out”

Here was my thought process…

What is the bigger risk?

Leave a high-paying job at a young age so that I can pursue my dreams


Go chase what I genuinely want to do and maybe take a hit on my income for a few months

It is a bigger risk to stay in a job out of fear 

The bigger risk is not being able to live completely free like what I am doing 

Here’s a picture of my current POV writing this email:

A few days ago I said “Fuck it let’s go to Portugal” and now I’m here lol

Living a life like what I am right now, was not a piece of cake 

I had to work really hard on myself and invest in the right people

But remember 

If you want something…

Go get it 

Don’t back down 

Put your 100% and create the reality you want to live 

Go get it my man