Change Your Life

You have to feel absolutely terrible about your situation. 

You must feel like shit!

When is the breaking point of someone? When do they become absolutely, genuinely, seriously successful? 

They do so when they have literally hit rock bottom in their life. You’ll then feel like absolute garbage and start to turn your life around. 

Which is why I want you to feel like absolute shit about your situation.

There are other guys out there making more money than you and they're not even smart. They are guys that are rich as fuck, but they are absolutely retarded. 

But because they had that vision, were more relentless, felt more shitty about their situation and they worked a bit harder than you. That’s what led them to the lifestyle that you want. 

If you are broke (which is you earning anything under $100k per month) you should feel like absolute garbage. 

It’s about time we changed that. 

People change their lives when they have that sudden urge to take action. 

It’s either I make you feel like shit or you literally destroy your life and then that leads you to feel like actual shit. 

What would you rather do? 

Would you rather get the prescription by JP or would you rather get the prescription by having a shitty life? 

It’s either you decide to stay an unhappy brokie, or you decide to become better. Either I tell you, or you tell yourself. 

What really got me going was my genuine burning desire to become better. That all started from being in a trash situation in life. 

I was literally at the bottom of the bottom. I recently got fired from a job, i broke my fucking leg, and I really wanted to get going in life. 

That’s when the burning desire to become truly great has really been compelled. The burning desire for me to become a great man. 

That started when I felt the worst and decided to say ‘hey, that’s enough. I’m tired of living this life, I'm going to change it’. 

That’s when I changed my identity. 

I started associating with higher people in life, I started to push further, and become more relentless. I had to admit to myself that I was a failure at that time, and I had to change. 

You need to have that burning desire, that’s when everything starts. 

You need to feel like absolute fucking shit right now or i make you feel like shit. 

You need to feel like you are at rock bottom and not tolerate this. 

Either i make you wake up because you’re running your life on autopilot or you wake yourself up by making your life even more of an absolute fucking misery. 

It’s your call.

Go Kill It Man
- JP