Can You Create Value Out of Nothing?

Branding is the easiest way to create value out of thin air.

I want to start this email by setting a frame

The strength of an entrepreneur is measured by their ability to create value without the initial aid of resources.

Entrepreneurs that can create value with no resources are the ones that last through unstable times. (I.e: depressive economic states)

Money is resources, so the question is … how do you gather resources? 

You do that by creating value in an economy.

The question is not… How can I make 10K a month, but it should be how can I provide enough value to the marketplace that will grant me that kind of resourcefulness?

Understand. The world is FULL of resources.

Don’t believe me?

Go to the middle of a city, turn your head around, and look at the billions of dollars worth of real estate.

Money is CHEAP it’s being printed everywhere and resources are EASY to find. (EX: getting access to 100K in US credit)

So with all the resources and blessings that we have in the 21st century, why do people have difficulty generating money?

It’s because they have not learned how to be VALUABLE to others.

The question is not, how can I get resources to create value?

The REAL question is, how can I create VALUE with NO resources?

This is how entrepreneurship is measured… again, it’s by your ability to create value.

Let me give you an example…

Imagine it was the year 900 and you were born in a poor village.

As the king of the village, I realize that there is so much fertile land around the castle.

I gift you with tools, animals, and seeds to start building a farm.

You start building a farm, and through that, you’re able to create value.

That was an example of creating value with resources.

Now on the contrary…

You look out at your garden in year 900 and you see a backyard full of fertile land…

So you go outside, cut down a tree, and create tools to start working on the land.

With the money you make from the land, you decide to buy cattle and keep scaling the farm.

That is an example of creating value WITHOUT resources.

“Alright, JP so what’s the point here?”

This email was written to show you how EASY it is to build value, and what your PRIMARY FOCUS should lie on when building your life as an entrepreneur.

So today I got on a call with a young man, he is 18 years old, and he’s been thinking of self-development and working on himself for the last 2-3 years.

He is a part of a few “networks” and was talking to me about his plans to make 10K a month in 2024, seemed like he was really serious about this year.

After some conversation, I realized that he had MEGA shiny object syndrome.

He was making money with sales, and when I asked “So what is your plan to get to 10K per month this 2024” 

His reply: “Yeah so when I get a credit card I’m going to buy an e-commerce business, maybe start a drop shipping store, and build my personal brand too”

You probably know what was going on in my mind when he was laying out his plan to me.

So this is what I said in return: “Okay great, so say for example I gave you 20K RIGHT NOW, what would you do with it to double my money in 6 months?”

He said: “I would buy an e-commerce store and invest in a mentor to help me out” 

I proceeded to ask him: “Have you scaled an e-commerce business before?”

He responded: “I have tried but never had a successful one”.

So let’s isolate the primary focus.

His primary focus lies around LEARNING and building value within.

I speak to many young men and they always mention all the ways to make money, but when it comes to successfully running a business, none of them can make nearly 5K a month.

Why is that?

Because their minds are so FIXATED on the price of things and how much they want to make.

That in itself distracts them from that PRIMARY FOCUS.

The focus is building value, being an expert in a field, and understanding real business.

A real business is a business that can create value for others without the aid of resources.

Moving on … same within my telegram channel, I asked “If I gave you 20K RIGHT NOW, what would you do with it to double my money in 6 months?”

The responses that I got were almost hilarious.

The majority of responses were either:

  1. Invest in stocks or crypto 

  2. Buy a business and scale that business

Now I don’t know about you, but this shows a lot about the state of entrepreneurship.

Look at both responses….

They both stem from someone else’s projects.

Meaning that even if I provided them with resources to start a business, most people aren’t convicted in THEMSELVES, so they would take those resources and fund someone else’s project.

I also saw people say: I will take that 20K and invest in courses, self-development, ect...

And to be honest it's a better answer than the others. Why?

Because it focused on the primary focus, that primary focus is about creating YOU into a value-generating machine.

Here's the motto that I held since I started this entrepreneurship thing:

"Unless I can generate 10K/Mo worth of cashflow and have 100K banked, the GREATEST investment I can EVER make in my life is in myself, MY OWN PROJECT"

Start by DUMPING your money in your own project.

That is... your mind, your knowledge, mindset, ect....

Same thing as a startup company… they dump all their money into R&D until the company has an edge.

Turn yourself into a VALUE CREATING machine.

Now to regroup, I started this email with: “Branding is the easiest way to create value out of thin air.”

So this is what I am going to do….

Next email I will outline my beliefs on branding and how you can be a master at branding in 2024.

See you in the next one.