Bring Cash Into Any Business

This is A free guide for anyone trying to understand how to start in business and what skills you should be focusing on learning when starting your entrepreneurship journey.

For anyone starting in business, it is essential to constantly learn new skills. As I mentioned in the video, many people like to get motivated by watching self-improvement content, learning about relationships, life, and various other topics. However, what you may fail to realize is that the major focus should be on skill development.

Especially, learning how to build your skills in the right sequence is crucial. The number one skill anyone needs to learn when starting is sales.

Sales is the foundation of every single business. It’s widely acknowledged by business owners that the foundation of every business starts with sales, followed by marketing.

If someone starts a business without knowing how to properly do sales—which essentially means convincing someone that a product is valuable and that it solves an issue—they will struggle to make sales. That’s why individuals who start their businesses without sales knowledge often need to go back and learn sales before they can scale up their business.

To master that skill… you cant only learn sales, but you need to DO sales.

Understand that most successful business owners started with sales.

Here are some real-life statistics proving why sales is the most important skill in business:

  • A study by the Harvard Business Review found that about 50% of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies have sales experience in their backgrounds.

  • According to the National Association of Sales Professionals, 55% of sales professionals say that sales experience has directly contributed to their entrepreneurial success.

  • A study by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor found that entrepreneurs with sales experience are more likely to achieve higher revenue growth, as they can effectively pitch their ideas, secure funding, and drive customer acquisition.

Almost all top-tier business owners have a background in sales. Most salespeople move into building their own businesses and become extremely successful and wealthy. Their sales experience guarantees them the ability to close deals and get their businesses rolling quickly.

Sales is one of the highest-paid professions in the world because it requires confidence and good communication skills rather than raw technical skill. For all the young people out there trying to start out in life, you need to start with a skill that, firstly, provides the least amount of friction to start making money, and secondly, allows you to build a solid foundation for your life.

The reason I am so convinced of this is that I made $30 million for a guy named Andrew Tate. After that, I moved into starting my own business. I know for a fact that sales is the first skill you should learn to lay the foundation for your future in the business world.

No SMMA, no e-commerce, no mass-produced business model because I’ve gone through the issues and spoken to multimillionaires in e-commerce and SMMA who directly told me that they wish they had started with sales. That way, when it came to scaling their businesses, they could have done so efficiently and without major issues.

I am going to run through a framework with you that will help you talk to anyone in life and get what you want out of them. 

It's called the C L O S E R framework. 

This framework has helped me close 30 Million dollars for Andrew Tate. 

Let's get into it and then afterwards I will go through how I can implement it.

C - Clarify why they are there

Questions that sound like...

• What made you come in today?

• What made you reach out?

What's your goal right now?

Why is that important to you?

You need to understand WHY they are there.

L - Label them with a problem

Recap what they said...

• So it sounds like...XX is your goal

• Does that sound about right?

O - Overview their past pain

Questions that sound like...

• What have you tried so far to accomplish this?

• How long did you do it for? How long ago?

• How did that work for you?

• What else have you tried...

→ Explain how it's not their fault, they had a missing piece. or two to the equation

S - Sell them the vacation

Sell them the vacation

Questions that sound like...

• Would you like to hear how the program works?

• We've seen that there are 3 things that make clients successful...

E - Explain away their concerns

Explain away their concerns

Questions that sound like...

• Price → Value

• Ferrari

• Decision-Maker→ Past Agreements

• Circumvent, Past Agreements, Forgiveness

• Stall→ Confront Decision Criteria

• Can the product meet your needs?

• Do you want to work with us?

• Access to funds or know someone who does?

Delayed Payment Close. Best Case/Worst Case

R - Reinforce their decision

Reinforce their decision

• Personalized Video/Voice Memo

• Swag immediately sent over

• Handwritten card

People decide within the first 48 hours from the point of sale whether they will buy again from your company. Use it to your advantage.

You can use this framework inside of any conversation; girls, business, friends, family. 

You will need to put in the reps, so you can have genuine conviction behind your words. 

So once you conclude inside of the relationship what are the problems of that individual, you can offer them the right solution to their problems. 

But just like with anything, the more you do it, the better you get if you are putting in the work. 

Inside of this daily email list I will be talking about IRL examples of how I used this framework to close deals and ultimately used my communication skills to penetrate elite circles. 

Making sure to keep an eye on this email list so you can learn what it takes to take your life to the next level.

Go Kill It Man
- JP