Blind Trust Can Kill

When I was doing sales for Tate, I had to scale my operations. 

I had to start hiring people and getting people onboard because we had so many leads.

I started off by getting my brother onboard to help me out. 

I did so because your blood relatives will be the ones that will always do the best work for you. It  may not be of the highest quality but they will be the most loyal.

All you have to do is really show them your intentions and show them exactly what they have to do and they’ll do their best work. 

I then started to branch out and decided to onboard someone that was from a third world country. 

This person was from Lebanon. He lived there during the wars and all that kind of stuff. 

He’s gone through a lot of crazy shit and he told me that he was working at a gas station and he would make $1 per day. 

He said he has experience in sales and he really wanted to break into the online business world. 

He was very persistent, he kept messaging all the time almost as if he was begging for a job. 

People that beg are not necessarily people that you want to onboard onto your team. Begging is a sign that they are already in scarcity.

I was very young and inexperienced to know that. His persistence didn’t waiver so I ended up hiring him. 

He ended up doing good work and taking a lot of stress off my shoulders. 

A few weeks later I moved to Dubai, he reached out asking to meet up.

I knew for a fact that he didn’t have any money at all. But in my mind, i thought you know what, let me meet with my employee. 

Keep in mind we only had a relationship for 2 months and I was already saying “hey let’s meet up, we’ll do sales training together, i’ll cover your expenses etc.”

After paying for his flight, he then went on to ask me for extra money to buy clothes and supplies.  

I did not see it as a red flag. Instead I sent him the money right away. 

He ended up lying to me by giving the money to his parents.

I still welcomed him to my apartment. He was always blabbering saying he wanted to hustle and get a lot of work done.

Instead he went in a downward spiral.

Me and a few of my friends were going at it hard every single day. He ended up embarrassing me in front of my boys. 

He said “Hey guys, I'm really intimidated by you guys working so hard. I feel like I'm not getting enough stuff done”. 

He also kept speaking, overly asking, and overly trying to make sure that we’re happy and shit. 

He looked at this opportunity as if it was a vacation. 

A 24 year old guy calling his parents every 3 hours. Asking how they are doing, showing them the view, showing them this, showing them that.

Now I don't mind. It is natural for a young man to be experiencing that kind of life for the first time and wanting to share it with his loved ones. 

He overdid it.

I ended up kicking him out and firing him after that. I didn’t want him on our team and I certainly didn’t want him to be around us anymore. 

Before I flew him in, I told him I also wanted him to film me for me to use and create content. 

Here’s something that fucking blew my mind. 

After paying all his bills, paying for his stuff, sending him extra money etc.  By the end of the trip he ends up asking me “hey can you pay me for the filming that i did for you”

I was so damn shocked. I already told him that this was a part of the whole deal. I told him the terms before he even got here. 

I fly him in, pay for all his shit, he films me and learns about sales and then he goes back home.

I’ll tell you this right now. People that think the life hack is just to hire people from a third world country or hire people that are less expensive, are completely wrong.

There’s a reason why he  was being paid $1 per day at a fucking gas station. 

I lost more money than the amount of money I made with this guy. Even though I was paying him not that much relative to the sales we were making.

When it comes to staffing. You need to understand that if you’re paying less for someone, that means there’s a reason behind that. 

Don’t get me wrong. There are people in this world that are very ambitious, very knowledgeable, and they also want to prove themselves to the world. 

The people that realize that learning is more important than making a quick buck in the beginning are the ones that are going to win in the long term.  

They realize that all of the learning, being around winners, and all of the stuff  that they’re going to go through, is going to be worth more than any amount of money that they’ll get in the beginning. 

If a third world guy came to me with the mindset of learning and then winning in the long term, I would've probably given him a bit of a chance.

Remember do not trust people. You always want to double verify everything. Especially if they’re from a country that is badly off.

There might be a reason as to why they are in that country. There might also be a reason why they are being paid very little. 

Don’t ignore the red flags because there were a lot of red flags in this whole entire situation. 

I was young, very ambitious, trusted easily, and was loyal to almost everyone. 

I did not see those red flags. I basically ran over those red flags and didn’t even acknowledge them. 

Don’t make the same mistakes I did. Don’t be blinded by ambition.

Go Kill It Man
- JP