Alone on my birthday

It’s my birthday

Yet it just feels like another day outcompeting people

Last night I had a signature Davidoff cigar celebrating, going into year 22…

I enjoy the simple things in life…

Waking up with this view at age 22 is genuinely fulfilling (Enjoy the simple things in life)

Knowing that I have been doing everything that I need to do to get set outcomes in my life

Now don’t get me wrong…

I could go to the club, buy the most expensive table, and blow the city up

But genuinely… I do not enjoy that kind of lifestyle

Last year when I was 20 I ended my last night working with this view...


Alone, with my laptop, with a beautiful view, and admiring all the progress that I’ve made within that year.

Now here’s the thing…

My parents wanted to see me on the day of my birthday and they still think I’m

crazy for being alone…

But if you have huge goals in life 

You’ve got to be a bit different from the norm

A birthday will fuck up the momentum of business

I see my birthday as a great time of reflection and reviewing the last year of work

How have I became better

How have my skills increased 

How has my physique improved 

How has my network strengthened

I don’t see my birthday any different from another day.

It’s just a great time to pause for a second

A birthday is definitely not the time to go to a club and waste all your money on a fake version of reality

I don’t know about you…

But I find more fulfillment from walking on the beach, swimming in the ocean, and getting some work done at my apartment with a beautiful view


Going to Vegas hooking up with fake women and wasting money on gambling

What version of reality do you want to live?

A fake one 

Or a real fulfilling life

With tons of money


When i’m 30 reflecting back on all these times that i’ve sacrificed for the sake of my business

I’m sure that 30-year-old version of myself would be proud

Dont loose focus 

Do not slow down the momentum in life 

Because no one is going to come and push that business more than yourself 

Know that there are MFers like me attacking every day with a burning desire to be great…

If you’re reading this right now

And have taken action on what I’ve been preaching. 

You’ll go far.

Just don’t fuck up the momentum

Go get it man


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