The Worst Days

I never understood vacation days back when I was growing up.

When I was much younger and had asked my parents “hey, can we do this, or can we go to that place”. 

Their response was “no, we would need to take vacation days off’. We can only have the weekends off.” If we want to do something big, we take vacation days. 

I didn’t understood what the fuck vacation days were until i got into the work force.

I got my first 9-5 job and for the first 6 months I was motivated, I liked the job that I had. 

But then after 8 months I wanted to do different things. I didn’t really want to go to work anymore. I felt like a robot. It felt like Tesla got into my life and they turned on auto self driving. 

I quickly realized if I wanted to do anything that might potentially impede on my working hours. I would have to request their permission to do so. 

Let’s say Wednesday afternoon I want to go and cut my hair. On Thursday I want to go on a date with a smoking hot model that’s available in the afternoon. I would need to request a vacation day in order to be able to do that. 

I quickly became certain of the fact that I was a slave. If you want to go do something but you need to ask someone else for their permission to do so. You’re a fucking slave. 

Versus me being able to make my own personal decisions. 

Most people live their lives in a constant state of slavery. Any type of job where someone has to approve your vacation days is slavery. 

One of the harder things to do is actually become an autonomous man that creates value and does real things in society. Most of the time it’s you creating value from the common tools you have and learning to market it.  

Right now I'm walking on the coastline of Portugal and I'm seeing some tourists. They have probably reserved the weekend to come down to Portugal and requested 3 of their vacation days to be able to be here. 

Those people probably have 10 or 12 more vacation days left that another person would have to approve for them to get. They are basically renting out a lifestyle, they are renting a vacation. 

Their main life is the 9-5 box life.

You are a bitch if you need to request vacation to actually live a real life.

If you want more in life, stop living a lie and go chase your dreams. 

Go get it man