$55k/mo but still empty inside?

I get it

You might be alone in this journey in getting better

And that's natural…

Being lonely is fine when you begin your journey 

But I've experienced this before

3+ months of being alone and “Monk Moding”

This was the time when I decided to leave Canada 

Stayed 2 months in the US then flew to Portugal (Last year)

During those 2 first months, I was the most productive that I have EVER been

But once I landed in Portugal, I realized that my social skills had fallen off a cliff

I forgot how to speak

I forgot how to be a sociable person

Now the thing is…

With business, you need to dial down on work

But the skill of being sociable is something that is needed as a human to maintain sanity

When I was in Portugal last year, I kind of went crazy

I was making about 55K per month at that time

But did not know how to speak to anyone or how to use my money

I had the “Max life” that everyone died to have….

But I did not think that was the case.

Because I was empty

I was making all this money, and I had no one to share it with.

It was pretty depressing, to be honest

I was in one of the most expensive Airbnbs in Lisbon and had empty bedrooms

I was making more money than any 20-year-old would die to make 

But funny enough I was likely more miserable and lonely than the average 20-year-old.

Being sociable is a skill that can't be bought with money

There are a few things that genuinely can not be bought with money

-A wife / Love

-Social skills/relationships



So I had to push myself to become that sociable man

Build that network 

Neglegent of the money that was pouring into my bank 

I HAD to put the effort in

Here was the challenge I did to myself 

I had to say “Hello” to 5 new people on that day so that i rebuild those skills

Walking on the sidewalk… Saying hi to people that walk by

Going to a restaurant and introducing yourself to the people that sat beside me

It was a struggle at first…

Because I was extremely shit at being sociable 

But here’s when things took a huge turn

When I decided to move to Dubai….

Arriving in Dubai, it was a new environment

I was feeling fresh and made new friends every day

Within a few weeks of networking and speaking….

I was able to get myself in the right circles and speak to people worth 7+ figures

A few months later, I was able to make 200K with those relationships that I had established

Just because I became sociable…

I not only felt fulfilled 

I was making EVEN MORE money than ever

So here is my challenge to YOU

Starting tomorrow…

I want you to make 5 new friends every day 

Just a simple “hey” Or “Hello” merely feels insignificant, but is what will train that skill of sociability

And trust me, once you know how to be sociable…

Money is pretty easy

Go get it man