29 Year old Failures

Older men in self-improvement piss me off

ESPECIALLY if you’ve got nothing accomplished

For men that are in their late 20s or 30s + and you’ve got a decently stable life…

I can respect that… because you're working on yourself and you’re an action-taker

But for those guys still “looking for a side hustle” in your late 20’s… I’m sorry, but I do not want to associate with you.

Last February I was at a conference with some other cool people

The conference was about mindset and networking 

Here’s where things took a turn 

While grabbing some lunch I was sitting on my own waiting for some friends 

An American guy decided to approach me 

He mentioned that he was in my telegram channel and followed my stuff for over 6 months

I took some time to look at him:

  • 29 year old

  • Balding

  • Shit communication

  • Body language was off


We continued our conversation and he asked me a few questions about my life and side hustles 

Then he decided to ask me for advice and told me about his life…

How he’s tried all the side hustles under the sky 

How he was not able to make money in any sense

Now, normally I do not do this but I started putting effort into helping him out 1 on 1

So I start showing exactly where he went wrong with some of his life decisions

Elaborated on a few ways of making money and gave him some clarity on how he should proceed…

While he was listening, he decided to look down on his phone and scroll on IG (Literal bullshit)

That was the time he SHOULD have paid FULL attention, but he seemed uninterested

While speaking to him… his head was down for about 10 seconds

I then told him: “You know I normally charge thousands of dollars for this kind of interaction?”

He said: “Yeah! 100% I do really appreciate it, man”

I then said: “Okay then it would be smart on your end to listen to me and write some notes…”

He said: “Yea for sure man…”

He then continued to ask me a question completely unrelated to what we’d been speaking about in our conversation 

I decided to give him a dry answer and he decided to leave 

He was like: “Well I don’t want to waste any more of your time you have a good day brother”

I kept my composure through this interaction, but….

This is exactly why men fail.

Emphasizing WASTE of TIME…

He genuinely wasted my time and disrespected me

When I approach a high net worth individual I don’t “WASTE” their time…

They enjoy their time with me

They enjoy helping me

The reason why I was so pissed off is because THAT is the man that I can see in many of you…

Most men decide to give up on life 

They DO NOT put their all into it 

And end up in their late 20s, balding, with low social skills and no money

He is NOT an action-taker 

And unless you take RIGEROUS action…

You will end up like that guy

That guy is a FAILURE

But you don’t need to be like him.

Go attack life relentlessly.

Go get it man