The 1% Man

If you want to be in the 1% and stay there, you’ve got to become a 1% man.

It’s not just about luck or landing in the right spot at the right time.

When I was younger, I used to think that someday, I’d just stumble into a lucky break, and all my problems would disappear.

I thought I’d be free, rolling in millions, without a care in the world.

But that was just a dream—a dream built on an unrealistic foundation.

Reality hit me slowly and hard. If I wanted the Ferrari, the girl, the money—all the things that scream "success"—I had to be the 1% man.

Not just once, not just sometimes, but consistently.

Being the 1% means you're at the top in every aspect of your life: your physical health, your confidence, your charisma, your network, your financial decisions, and yes, even your daily habits.

It’s not about being better than others in just one area; it’s about becoming the best version of yourself in every area.

I used to think that if I just found the right opportunity, everything would change. I remember buying my first self-improvement course, thinking it would magically make me a millionaire.

They sold me that dream, and I bought into it.

But here’s the truth they don’t tell you: it doesn’t matter how many courses you buy or how much money you throw at self-improvement if you’re not willing to put in the work to become that 1% person.

Here's a quick analogy for you.

Next time you’re at the gym, look around. Check out the physiques of the people around you. Now, look at your own body. Be honest with yourself. Are you in the top 1% in terms of your physique?

Then go outside to the parking lot. Compare your car to the others around you. Are you in the top 1% there? Now, think about your work ethic.

How many hours are you putting into your work, your growth, your improvement?

Are you in the 1% there?

It's a harsh reality check, but it's necessary.

Being the 1% isn’t about luck or some magical opportunity. It's about doing the work that most people aren’t willing to do. It's about putting in those deep work hours, taking care of your body, honing your charisma, refining your skills, and expanding your network.

It’s about becoming the kind of person who deserves the gifts that the 1% have.

And here's the kicker: it doesn’t even require money to start this journey. It requires hard work, intentionality, and a burning desire to get there.

You have to want it.

And when you do the work consistently, day in and day out, that’s when the gifts of the 1% come to you. But you have to be ready for what comes next.

You might think that once you reach the top, you can finally relax, right?


Once you have a million-dollar company, more responsibilities come with it.

More stress.

More pressure.

But that’s the decision you made when you chose to be a 1% man.

The freedom to go anywhere, do anything, comes with a new set of challenges. And you have to be the kind of person who not only handles those challenges but thrives on them.

Here’s a hard truth I’ve learned: Pain and pressure are privileges.

If I had been born into a wealthy family with no challenges, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

That pressure is what pushed me to excel in the gym, in my work, and in every part of my life.

So if you’re feeling the pressure, if you weren’t born into the perfect situation, good.

That pressure is your privilege. It’s what will drive you to become the 1% man.

So, stop waiting for that lucky break.

Stop hoping for some miracle to change your life.

Embrace the pressure, and use it to mold yourself into the 1% man.

Because once you become that man, the gifts of the 1% will follow.

And that’s when you’ll truly have everything you want in life.

Go Kill It Man
- JP


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